School Uniform

Saturday 5th June  – 10.30am – 11.30am

Many thanks to the parents who organised our school uniform donations. There was a great response to this last week and I am delighted that we are able to recycle good quality school uniform in a responsible way.

If you missed this last week, the parents have organised another opportunity to pick up good quality donated school uniform. This will be laid out on tables in the school car park this Saturday 5th June between 10.30 and 11.30.

Please follow social distancing guidelines. Thanks again to all of you who have donated to this event and to the parents for organising.

Please come along and help yourselves. No payment is necessary.

Colette Haddock

Merrylee Green Fingers



We are really excited to see how all your lovely seedlings are coming on, despite the arctic weather!

We’re almost at planting time 👏👏👏 We would like to invite you to bring any seedlings (spinach, kale or peas) that you want to donate to the school garden on Saturday 15th May from 10.30, where – if social distancing allows – you can help to plant them out.

If your seedlings have been kept inside until now, it would be a good idea to start exposing them to the outdoors gradually to prepare them.

We look forward to seeing you then! If you’d like to know how to get involved with the school garden please email

Thank you.

Break the Rules Day!

Break the Rules Day – Friday 7th May

Merrylee Parents’ Association are fundraising to provide some end-of-term treats for pupils.

We encourage pupils to break some rules this Friday, and contribute towards some summer fun this term.

This event will be available on Parentpay.

Parents’ Association

April Newsletter

April Newsletter 

Please find attached the latest newsletter with school information.  Please find this here.

As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any concerns or require additional information.

Your child was issued a letter on Friday  to request a telephone consultation. I would be very grateful if these could be returned to your child’s teacher on Monday to give us enough time to plan appointments.

Colette Haddock

Back to School for P4-7

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are really looking forward to welcoming the rest of the children back to school on Monday. We all know how challenging this last year has been and you’re not alone if you’ve found the current lockdown the hardest one yet. I am sure you will all be glad to hand over the reins for home learning back to their teacher!

If you borrowed a school iPad to support home learning, please ensure that your child returns this to school with any school charger cables or plugs on Monday. I hope these have been useful during this time.

Breakfast Club and After School Care will all resume service on Monday. Please follow your usual arrangements.

Many thanks to everyone who has donated school uniform so far. This has been especially helpful this week as we have had a lot of muddy children enjoying their outdoor learning in some challenging weather!

It is difficult to get school uniform in the shops at the moment due to high demand and limited supply so if you do need anything, for whatever reason, please get in touch with us as we may have something suitable available.

The following advice is from –
The news that all children are returning to school will probably have been a huge relief, but there is a risk that it could cause an increase in people getting the virus. Here are 5 important things you can do to make sure this doesn’t happen and to help our nurseries and schools stay open.

  1. Wear your face covering at all times when you are dropping your children at nursery or school and picking them up.
  2. Only one parent at a time should do drop offs and pickups.
  3. Stay 2 metres from other parents at the gates and avoid travelling to and from school in groups with others.
  4. Don’t car share with other households and limit using public transport if you can.
  5. Look out for symptoms at home and follow Test and Protect guidance if anyone shows any signs of COVID.

Lots more advice for parents, including information about preparing children for returning to school, is available at:

Colette Haddock

Online Safety

Online Safety

I have attached a ‘Family Agreement’ resource from Childnet International which you may find useful in monitoring your children’s online safety and activity. 

A family agreement is a great way to start a conversation with your whole family about how you all use the internet, and to start discussions together around how to behave in a positive way when online, whether this is at home, at school or at a friend’s.

The family agreement provides a list of things to consider when creating a family agreement, and some examples to get you started. An agreement template is also provided to help families set clear expectations for positive and safe internet use.

The school iPads have limited access to social media platforms and websites, however, many children have personal devices. If you require advice and support, the website below provides a variety of very useful approaches and strategies to ensure your child is safe and responsible online.

We thank you for your cooperation in working with us to enable all our pupils to have positive online experiences and develop as digitally responsible citizens. If you have any concerns or suggestions please get in touch.

Kind Regards

Julie McElhone

Depute Headteacher 

Back to school for P4-7

Back to School Information – School Uniform Appeal


We are really looking forward to welcoming the P4-7 pupils back to school on Monday 15th March. It has been such a long time since they have been in school and I am sure we will be surprised by how much they have grown in the last few months. Unfortunately this may also mean they have grown out of their school uniform!

School uniform is in high demand just now and may be difficult to get due to limited supply. If you have any school uniform polo shirts, trousers, jumpers, socks etc that your child has grown out of, we will gratefully receive any donations. This may help other families and also provide us with spare clothes for use in school. We are particularly short of socks and boys’ trousers.

Donations of school uniform can be handed into the school office. Although we do encourage the wearing of school uniform, we do appreciate that in the current circumstances this may be challenging.

If your child has grown out of their uniform and it is not possible to replace at the moment, please don’t worry. If you don’t have suitable uniform at the moment, please make sure they are dressed warmly and appropriately for school and being outdoors.

Colette Haddock

Return of P4-7 Pupils

P4-7 Pupils Return 15th March 


Dear Parents,

Please find a letter from the Director of Education with the latest school update for parents here

I am pleased to inform you that Breakfast Club will resume service from 15th March. Please contact the school office for information about payments if you haven’t already done so.

After school care services will also resume on 15th March.

Let’s hope that this is another step in the right direction back to normal life!

Kind regards,

Colette Haddock

Merrylee Primary School Website

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