Category Archives: End of Term

Dates for the Diary

Dates for the diary

Wednesday 10th May

6-7pm Parent Workshop – online safety NSPCC (sign up on Parentpay)

Monday 15th May

P7 Residential trip to Galloway (15-19 May)

Thursday 25th May


Friday 26th May


Monday 29th May


Thursday 1st June

P7 Hillpark Induction day

Friday 2nd June

P7 Hillpark Induction day

Saturday 3rd June

PA Summer Fair 10-12

Friday 9th June

Sports day (details to follow)

Wednesday 14th June

P7 Leavers’ Assembly @ Cathcart Trinity Church 10am (details to follow)

Thursday 15th June

P7 Leavers’ Ceilidh 7-8.30pm (details to follow)

Friday 23rd June

School closes at 1pm for the Summer holidays.

Information for end of term

Final week arrangements

It is hard to believe that we are heading towards the summer holidays already!

The teachers will share your child’s final report with you on Seesaw today Monday 21st June. Your child is also bringing home their class photograph today organised and funded by the Parents’ Association. The tea towels should also be arriving this week and will be issued before we finish for the holidays.

On Wednesday the PA have arranged a little summer treat for all of our pupils. They have also arranged a special treat for P7 as we weren’t able to go ahead with the planned P7 party because of Covid restrictions. These treats are being funded from the Break the Rules fundraising day. Many thanks to the PA for organising this and to all of you for your contributions.

Please note that school closes at 1pm on Thursday. Because of our staggered lunch breaks we won’t be able to have a full lunch break but we have arranged two short breaks. There will be a mid-morning break as usual. There will also be another short break for children to have a packed lunch or a school lunch which they will eat in the classroom or outdoors. Choices for school lunch on Thursday are hot dogs or sandwiches.

At 1 o’clock we will ring the bell continuously to send off our P7 pupils who will have the chance to walk through the school to say goodbye before being dismissed to the back of the building as usual. All classes will be dismissed following usual procedures at 1pm. We would respectfully request that parents do not congregate on school grounds at the end of the day.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and happy summer holiday. Thank you as always for your continued support, especially during this most challenging of years. We are all in a much better place than this time last year and can hopefully look forward to these positive changes continuing.

Kindest regards,
Colette Haddock and the Merrylee Staff Team