School Closure


Glasgow City Council has taken the decision to close all schools and nurseries.

“Due to #StormÉowyn all our Schools and Council Nurseries will be closed tomorrow (Friday 24 January 2025).”

Please see email from Education Director, Douglas Hutchison that was issued to schools this afternoon.  (We will not be providing home learning as it is too short notice to collate this information to all pupils and families.)

A decision has been taken to close all schools and nurseries to both staff and children and young people due to the severe weather conditions forecast  tomorrow.
The Met Office has upgraded tomorrow’s storm warning to RED with very strong winds associated with Storm Éowyn causing very dangerous conditions and significant disruption.
We will issue messaging from the Council’s social media channels and ask  you to share this on your own social media or use your normal channels to alert families of the closure tomorrow.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused to our families but everyone’s safety is paramount in these circumstances.  A retrospective payment for those entitled to free school meals will be added to the next holiday payment due to families.
Remote learning is a challenge at such short notice, however where possible and practical colleagues may offer work to pupils through the school’s normal channels.
Corporate staff messaging will be issued with details from HR and if this can be cascaded to non-pc facing staff that would be helpful.
Thank you once again for your resilience, stay safe, and the expectation is for business as usual on Monday.
Best wishes
Douglas Hutchison                                                   
Executive Director of Education                      
Glasgow City Council                                                  
40 John Street                                                         
Glasgow G1 1JL                                                        
0141 287 4551