Virtual Book Fair

It’s Bargain Book Fair time again next week!

23rd – 29th May


Why not grab yourself some summer holiday entertainment for the children? Lots of popular titles all at £2.50 plus lots of craft and activity sets also at bargain prices.


Check out the range in advance here –

Ordering details will follow and the online fair will run from Monday 23rd until Sunday 29th May.

Best wishes, The PA

Summer uniform swap

☀️ SPRING/SUMMER uniform swap☀️

The PA are going to pull out our clothing rail ready to hang pre-loved summer school uniform to share and swap. A great way to re-use uniform that no longer fits, and to get summer items for free that are often only worn for a short time.

We would love any donations of clean items in good condition from the list below to add to our rail.

☀️ Summer school dresses

☀️ Short sleeve polo shirts (with or without school logo)

☀️ School grey shorts or skirts

☀️ Cotton cardigans / jumpers

☀️ School blazers

The donations box will be in the foyer at the main entrance from today, and the rail available, same place, from tomorrow.

Thank you for helping us to reduce, re-use and recycle.

The PA