Back to school for P4-7

Back to School Information – School Uniform Appeal


We are really looking forward to welcoming the P4-7 pupils back to school on Monday 15th March. It has been such a long time since they have been in school and I am sure we will be surprised by how much they have grown in the last few months. Unfortunately this may also mean they have grown out of their school uniform!

School uniform is in high demand just now and may be difficult to get due to limited supply. If you have any school uniform polo shirts, trousers, jumpers, socks etc that your child has grown out of, we will gratefully receive any donations. This may help other families and also provide us with spare clothes for use in school. We are particularly short of socks and boys’ trousers.

Donations of school uniform can be handed into the school office. Although we do encourage the wearing of school uniform, we do appreciate that in the current circumstances this may be challenging.

If your child has grown out of their uniform and it is not possible to replace at the moment, please don’t worry. If you don’t have suitable uniform at the moment, please make sure they are dressed warmly and appropriately for school and being outdoors.

Colette Haddock