Playing with Sounds

Our brand new initiative PLAYING WITH SOUNDS is now up and running. We are about to approach week 3 and it has been great fun for staff, adults and the children. So far we have worked on our listening skills and our rhyming words. Next week we will be looking at word boundaries and are getting very excited about it. During our family learning sessions the adults have commented on the

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Thursday Fun !

  Last week we had an interesting dance lesson inside our classroom! We learned how to expressive dance, by responding to a piece of music which made us feel sad and happy. We worked with a partner to create a dance which showed these emotions and also included a walk, jump and roll ! It was funny dancing inside our classroom but we had a great time!

The Iron Man

P5 have been using VISUALISATION to draw the Iron Man after reading the first chapter. We then used SIMILES to try to describe him. We have some big Questions: Does he have a brain? Does he feel pain? Is he good or bad? We will need to read on to find out!   Here are a few samples:

What a great week!

This week in primary 7a we have been learning about lots of different things! In maths we went outside to collect data on how many cars passed the school and created a frequency table. We looked at buses, cars, lorries, motorbikes, and vans. The most common vehicle that passed the school was cars. Our new topic this term is India, we have already learnt so much. Did you know the

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Fireworks and Active Spell

This week Primary 4/3 have been extremely busy, especially in Art and Spelling. To prepare for Fireworks night, we used pastels to create a fireworks display. We enjoyed this because it was fun and very colourful. Also, this week we worked at active spelling stations for the sound magic ‘e’. There was Water Works, Rainbow Writing, Beat the Timer and Challenge table. This helped us practice lots of words. ‘The

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Paired reading with P4 and P4/3

Starting this week primary 4 and primary 4/3 will be coming together to help each other read every week! We are all very excited about helping each other to become super duper confident readers! “Primary four had a fun time reading with Primary 4/3.” Jamie “We helped each other with some difficult words.” Adam “Everyone was good at reading the books.” Leo It’s good to partner up and read with

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First Week of Term 2!

  Primary 4/3 have had a very busy start to Term 2! One of our highlights was our shoelace competition. As part of homework we had two weeks to practice tying our shoe laces and everyone in our class showed an improvement , therefore  we all got medals to celebrate. Another highlight of our week was that we began our new topic Planet Earth. To start the topic we spent an afternoon exploring different resources and materials linked to

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Things get chilly in p7

Throughout our topic we found out that Climate change could heat up the Earth and cause huge floods. We like to make sure what we’re reading makes sense so we set up an experiment and wrote up our reports to show what we did: Each group created a mini version of somewhere on Earth – Lyla’s group did a tropical island and Chloe’s group did Glasgow. Then we added our

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Primary 7 become the teachers in P1!

Our topic in term 1 has been Climate Change. When we heard about primary 1 making posters to tell other classes about saving energy, we knew we could help out. We put all of our new knowledge to great use by creating exciting talks for the classes so that they could understand why saving energy is so important. Our teacher choose two hard working groups who had put lots of

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