To help us with our fractions learning, Miss McCue set up a game called, ‘The Floor is Lava’ .
We split into 4 teams and each team was on a mat.Β No team member is allowed to come off the mat during the game.Β If any body part touches the ground outwith the mat, the team go back to the start because THEY HAVE JUST TOUCHED THE LAVA!!!!
Each team has a mat in front of them which they can move to if they answer the question correctly. Our questions this week were finding equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions, as this is what we have been learning in maths this week.
When a team gets an answer correct and they’ve moved to the next mat, they need to work together to transport their other mat in front of them.Β This is difficult with so many people on the mat and with everybody trying to stay off of the lava!!
Each team started using different tactics and, by working together, were able to stay off of the lava.
Team 4 were in the lead for most of the game but it was very close at the end between Teams 1, 3 and 4.
Through sheer determination and excellent teamwork, team 4 were able to answer more questions correctly and move their mat successfully.
The aim was to knock the cone over at the end.Β Well done Team 4:
Sarmud, Eishah, Zahra, Rehman, Eliza and Yahya.
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