Parent/Carer Information

Parents, carers and families are by far the most important influences in a child’s life. Your support can play a vital role at all stages of your child’s education.  We wish to support parents to be able to meaningfully engage in their child’s learning and the life of Tayport Primary.

Parental engagement is also recognised in the National Improvement Framework as one of seven key drivers in achieving excellence and equity in Scottish education. The engagement of parents and families can help raise attainment for all and help to ensure equality and equity for every child. The National Improvement Framework parental engagement driver includes actions to support improvement in parental engagement, parental involvement, family learning and learning at home.

Education Scotland website providing information and advice to support parents to take an increased role in their child’s education and learning: Click here to access Parent Zone


Queen Street – Tayport – DD6 9NS – 01334 659444 – email:

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