Child Protection

Click here to find out what to do if you have any child protection concerns.

It’s Everyone’s Job to make sure we’re OK!

Child Protection at Tayport Primary School

We all have a responsibility to make sure that the children in our community are safe and well. Mrs Tweed is the Child Protection Coordinator and Mrs Peterson is the Depute Child Protection Coordinator. They can be approached at any time to discuss a concern.

CP Safeguarding and Wellbeing Policy for Tayport and Ferryport

Concerned about your own child?

You might be concerned about your own child. For example, because their behaviour has changed or they are having difficulty with friends or with their learning. You might also be worried if something has changed at home – perhaps there has been a bereavement or a separation in the family or perhaps a change in financial circumstances is making it hard to make ends meet. We can offer advice and support whatever your concerns are. We can signpost you to agencies who can help or we  can offer advice or support or even just a listening ear.

Worried about another child?

You might be concerned about somebody else’s child. Perhaps because of something you have seen or heard in the community or because you think another parent is struggling and may need some help. Sometimes it is worth speaking to that parent to share your concerns and offer to help. Or you can speak us in school, in confidence. Or you can contact a doctor or social worker.

However, if you think a child has been harmed, telephone the Social Work Contact Centre on 03451 55 15 03, from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Out-with these hours, please call them on 03451 55 00 99. You can call the police on telephone number 101, 24/7. If you consider a child(ren) or young person to be in immediate danger, do not wait, call the Police on 999.

You shouldn’t ‘mind your own business’ if you think a child is at risk. Everyone has a job to help. You can find out more here: Worried about a Child | Fife Council or by searching for ‘Worried about a Child Fife Council’ and choosing the first option that comes up.

All school staff are trained in child protection and you can approach anyone you feel comfortable to raise a concern. You can rely on us to listen, not to judge, not to ignore and to offer help and support.


Queen Street – Tayport – DD6 9NS – 01334 659444 – email:

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