All posts by Mrs Tweed

Weekly Update – 31 October 2022

Learning Overviews are available for this term: on our website

Halloween Goodie Bag – thank you to the Parent Council who have organised treat bags for the school children to bring home as well as some spooky treats for the nursery boys and girls today.

Poppies – are still available in school .

The Queen’s Jubilee commemorative book – Every child at Tayport PS will receive their own copy of this special book during Book Week Scotland.

Toy Drive Collection Point –  buy an extra gift this Christmas and support the NE Fife  Toy Drive.  Our Community Champion MAD group will be supporting the Toy Drive this month as our school is a drop off point. Gifts should be unwrapped, suitable for boys or girls aged 0- 18 and NEW.

Toy Drive Referrals – As a school we will make referrals for our families to receive gifts from the Toy Drive.  If your family need a little support with Christmas and would like to be considered please complete the following short form: Toy Drive Self-Referral Please complete the referral ASAP and know that any self-referrals will be treated in the strictest confidence.


Weekly Update – 25 October 2022

Welcome back! It was lovely to see everyone yesterday and looking so smart in school uniform too!  As more children begin to wear coats and sweatshirts it is even more important that names and classes are on all items. The learning overviews for each year group should be with you next week, and these will have reminders about gym kit and gym days.  Children need to bring their own water bottle daily.

We are delighted to share that over the holidays Miss Farrell (P2/3 class teacher) became Mrs Murray.

Mrs Avery has decided to take a break from teaching to try something new and her last day will be next Tuesday (1st Nov).  Mrs Avery has been a valued member of the Tayport teaching team since 2013 and we wish her well.   Until a permanent replacement is found for Mrs Avery’s two days, we have a supply teacher called Mrs Hutchinson who will work with a number of classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Poppy Appeal – every year we participate in the Royal British Legion’s poppy appeal.  We have a supply of poppies and a collection box in school from today.  Our house captains will visit classes daily to give all pupils the opportunity to take part.

School Calendar – Please remember to check the school calendar for dates for your diary for this term.  We have our first informal Head Teacher and Family coffee morning on Thursday 10th November at 9am in our small hall.  Please come along for a chat and a cuppa.

The school calendar has been updated: click here.  

Weekly Update – 5 October 2022

Thank you for supporting our Macmillan coffee morning – an impressive £377 was raised.

Our dress-down French day was a big success and drew in lots of food donations for the Community Fridge. Mrs Dykes and some of the Community Champion MAD group delivered our school donation today.  Thank you again for your support.

We are delighted to share our learning around our whole school topic theme of Vive La France:

Cafe Inc will be running over the holidays (both weeks) 11:45 – 13:00 offering hot and cold lunches for all the family. Just come along.

Wishing all our families a safe and happy October break.

Weekly Update – 27 September 2022

Our House Captains were announced last Friday.  We were very proud of all the young people who ran.  This was a great activity to promote building resilience and they all excelled.  Here is a link to our Twitter feed: click here

Macmillan Coffee Morning – this coming Thursday 9:30 – 10:30am. Please send in home baking on Wednesday and Thursday morning. Thank you in advance.

At the end of term we will be sharing learning within school about our first unit in building resilience – Be Resilient.  Here’s a reminder of the home activity to get children talking about this important area of health and wellbeing.  Unit 1 Home activity

Three of our Primary 6s are attending peer mediation training this week, along with Miss Narauskaite and representatives from all our cluster primaries.  They plan to use the skills they learn to make our school and playground a friendlier place! Here is more information about peer mediation in Fife: click here

Please send in foodbank donations during this week or on our dress down “French theme day” on Friday.

Thank you to those who responded to the Fife Equity Approach to Digital Devices.  47% of p1-7 pupils were represented in the responses. The survey is now closed so please contact school directly if you did not submit a response and your child does not have adequate access to a device.  The criteria being considered at present is:

  • Family unemployment or financial difficulties
  • Learner additional support needs.
  • Young carer responsibilities.
  • Care experience of young people.
  • Free school meal entitlement
  • Stage of learning.

Weekly Update – 20 September 2022

Macmillan Coffee Morning – Thursday 29th September, 9:30 – 10:30 am.  All donations of cakes and bakes welcomed.

Foodbank collection – Our Community Champion MAD group is looking for donations of non-perishable items for their collection for Tayport’s community fridge.

Vive La France – French Day – Friday 30th September – Nursery and School will celebrate our learning by having a “French Day” together.

  • Children and staff are asked to wear something red/white/blue. We request that where possible, children bring a donation for the Foodbank on this day.
  • There will be activities in the classroom linked to France/ French.
  • Everyone will have a French style snack.
  • Our Learn to Learn assembly wlll focus on the learning across school.
  • We will share this learning with families with a short video.

Digital Equity –  An email was sent today to collect information regarding pupil access to digital devices for learning at home.  Please respond by return.

Parents’ Evening – Our first parents’ evening is this Thursday. We have had an excellent uptake of appointments. If you have not booked there is still time.  Contact the school office if you are unsure how to do this.




Weekly Update – 13 September 2022

The school calendar has been updated for the year go to on website. There are some new events such as a termly informal coffee morning with Mrs Tweed.  Please note that a small group of P7s are organising a Macmillan coffee morning on Thursday 29th September 9:30 – 10:45 am. They are looking for donations of baking in the hope of raising money for this worthwhile cause!

Today sees the start of our “Making A Difference” or MAD groups where all pupils will belong to a group which will lead an aspect of improvement in the school.  Here’s a wee preview of what’s to come:

Foodbank donations – Our Community Champion MAD (Making A Difference) group is organising a Tayport Community Fridge foodbank collection from20th September, The school donation will be handed in before the October holidays.

Parent Council – As the AGM on 21 September (6:30 pm at school) approaches please note that a  joint chairperson would be considered.

Parent night bookings – We have had an excellent uptake with the online booking system this session. If you have not done so yet please book a slot for an update on children’s progress.

Monday 19th September – It was confirmed yesterday that all Fife schools will be closed for the day of national mourning.

Weekly Update – 6 September 2022

Annual Data Checks – these will be out this week.  Those using the Parent Portal (which is preferred) will receive an email.  Please check all details carefully. Everyone else will receive a paper copy which must be returned within 7 days.

If you have not joined the parent portal yet please find out more on our website: here

Headlice – there are ongoing issues with recurring headlice in some classes. Please be vigilant and check your child’s hair. Advice on this can be found at NHS inform.

Parent Teacher Meetings – you will receive an email this week so that you can choose your preferred day and time.

Fife Toy Drive – North East Fife Social Work Department set up the Toy Drive to help identify children and families in need that may not necessarily come to our attention. Its sole purpose is to ensure that all children receive presents at Christmas. Last Year over 500 children and young people received gifts. The Toy Drive has now secured funding from Fife Council for this, our 10th year and as such we are once again contacting all schools and businesses to continue those relationships and raise awareness of how to get involved.  They have a dedicated Facebook page for more information.

Click here to find the answer to frequently asked questions

Toy Drive Poster


Weekly Update – 29 August 2022

We have launched our whole school health and wellbeing programme – Building Resilience -.  This term’s learning focus is “Be resilient”.  We will use our Learn to Learn sessions and time in class to learn ways that we can become more resilient. A parent information leaflet has been uploaded to each class team and a talking homework activity will be posted there  too.

P7 Residential Week – We set off today and are looking forward to an action packed week together.  Mrs Tweed, Miss Gallacher (P7 teacher) and Mrs Holt (PSA) will be accompanying the trip.

The class learning overviews have been shared with you via Seesaw and class teams.  They have also been uploaded to our website: click here .  We look forward to hearing if these overviews have improved your understanding of what your child is learning at school.

The Parent Council AGM will be held on Tuesday 21 August at 6:30 pm in school.  We are still looking for a new Parent Council chairperson.

Please order either a school dinner or send in a packed lunch.  We have a number of children attempting to eat both at lunch time.

Weekly Update – 22 August 2022

What a wonderful first week back! The children are all looking so smart in their uniforms – thank you! We enjoyed coming together on Friday at our first “Learn to Learn” assembly. We welcomed all our new children and staff to Tayport Primary and introduced them to our school vision and values.

PE day summary:

P1 – Wednesday & Thursday

P1/2 – Tuesday & Wednesday

P2/3 – Tuesday & Thursday

P3 – Tuesday & Thursday

P4 – Wednesday & Friday

P4/5 – Wednesday &  Friday

P5 – Wednesday &  Friday

P6 – Monday & Thursday

P7 – Monday & Wednesday

Please can children come to school in PE kit on the days listed below wearing plain dark shorts or track suit bottoms, plain white/ red/ house colour t-shirt and their school jumper. Send in a jacket daily even if the weather is good (with their name on it please). Children should bring a full water bottle every day. We do not have spare bottles or cups to provide drinks throughout the day.

Meet the Teacher this Wednesday 24th August.  You will have the opportunity to visit your child’s classroom and meet their class teacher informally.

We have finalised the dates for parent teacher meetings to: Thursday 22nd September 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm and Tuesday 27th September 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm.  You will receive details on how to book next week. Click here for other dates for your diary for term 1

Following your feedback last session regarding how we share what your children are learning, all classes are preparing a termly learning overview which will be shared with you via Teams/Seesaw.  A copy will also  be available on the website.  This overview will tell you  about our whole school themes, planned literacy and numeracy work and other curricular learning.  There is also a section on how you can support learning at home.  We anticipate sharing these with you by the end of this week.

Parent Council – As you all know our Parent Council is an important vehicle to share parent voice about school.  It also works very hard to raise funds for the school and by doing this they support a lot of the work e.g. funds towards resourcing the P1-3 outdoor play area and The View activities (such as baking resources).  They also put a lot of effort into gifting all nursery and school children treats throughout the year.  Sherree Rennie is stepping down as Chair Person of the Parent Council at the AGM (date tbc) and a replacement has yet to be found.  If we do not have a Chair Person then the Parent Council will be dissolved. This would be a huge blow for the school and community so I am putting a shout out for anyone who would consider taking up this role.  To find out more please use the contacts here.   Or phone the school office for contact information.

Link to Nursery’s August newsletter: click here.

Information received from Active Schools about clubs starting in our community: click here to go to community section

Welcome back!

A warm welcome back to school this week. The video above has details about the school day, where to line up, school uniform, and about bringing a water bottle.  Here is the picture of where to line up on Wednesday – there will be markers out to guide children and of course we will be there to help!  In summary:

P3, P4/5, P6 – Line up and enter/exit main entrance

P1, P1/2 – Line up between the trim trail and the building entering via the side door.  At 3pm children will also exit the side door.

P4, P5 – Line up at the back gate wall and enter/exit via the side door.

P2/3, P7 – Line up at the back gate wall and enter/exit via the sports hall door.

If possible please pre-order school lunches with your child at home.

The school calendar will be updated very soon. In the meantime click here for some upcoming dates for term one.