All posts by Mrs Tweed

Weekly Update – 27 March 2023

Health Hub – Health Tuck Shop – Wednesday break time – 30p to try 3 different fruits,  Details here: Tuck in colour

We are delighted to share a compilation sharing our learning video from term 3 which focuses on our inter-disciplinary learning topics of Exploring and H2O:

Cafe Inc will run 12 and 13th April from the Larick Centre – there are great activities on offer too alongside the free lunch. See poster for more details:

Cafe Inc runs in other areas details here.

All classes have enjoyed their visit to our local library. Please keep using it over the holidays! More information about the service and what’s going on can be found here.

During the Easter break Ferryport nursery children and staff are being relocated to Newport Nursery to allow for essential maintenance.

Remember school finishes on Thursday 30 March at 3pm. We reopen on Monday17 April.

Weekly Update – 20 March 2023

Pupil Progress Meetings – if you have booked for Tuesday 21 March please arrive at your appointment five minutes early so you have time to browse your child’s jotters. Thank you to those who have already completed the feedback survey following Thursday’s meetings.  This feedback will influence how we share your child’s learning next session.

Fife Council wish to find out about the availability of Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) for families in the Tayport area.  The ELC consultation is available online until Friday 28th April 2023. Please take part in the short online survey by clicking this link.

Reminder: School is closed on Friday 31 March – which is the first day of the Easter break

Weekly Update – 13 March 2023

Here is a short compilation of the Scottish Opera performance from 6 March 2023.

We are seeking feedback from P5-7 families about the recent Scottish Opera experience: click here

Tempest Photos –  rescheduled for Tuesday 14th March.

Pupil Progress Teacher Meetings –  Please ensure that you have signed up for either Thursday 16th or Tuesday 21st,  If there are any issues please phone the office.  Please remember the meeting is for a maximum of 10 minutes, there is time before the meeting to look through jotters.

Sickness Bugs – A person with gastroenteritis is most infectious from when their symptoms start until 48 hours after all their symptoms have passed.  Please support us in reducing the spread of this bug in school by keeping your child at home for the full 48 hours.

Saints Basketball – P1 – 7 – All of the details can be found on the link: Click here to find out more about sessions. (P1-7)

What Matters to You? – Strategic Equity Fund Surveys for Families Over the next 3 years Fife Council Education Service will receive additional funding to support us to undertake strategic approaches to achieve the mission of the Scottish Attainment Challenge, with a clear focus on delivering equity through improving outcomes for learners impacted by poverty.  The funding should be focused on resources, activities and approaches focussed on learners impacted by poverty, which will lead to improvements in literacy, numeracy and support health and wellbeing.  Please complete the survey:  click here

Weekly Update – 7 March 2023

World Book Day – we had a very successful PJ day last Thursday. Thank you for participating in the Book Fair and everyone enjoyed the big book swap organised by P7.  We have now submitted our Reading School Core accreditation evidence and await the outcome.

Tempest Individual Photos – final reminder that these are being taken on Wednesday 8th.  In school sibling photos will also be taken.

MAD groups – our next Making a Difference group meeting is this Wednesday.

Rotary Quiz – we are hosting the Tayhead schools rotary quiz this Wednesday, Our 7 team has been hard at work improving their general knowledge.

Scottish SPCA are visiting and delivering workshops for P1-5 over Thursday and Friday this week.

What Matters to You? – Strategic Equity Fund Surveys for Families Over the next 3 years Fife Council Education Service will receive additional funding to support us to undertake strategic approaches to achieve the mission of the Scottish Attainment Challenge, with a clear focus on delivering equity through improving outcomes for learners impacted by poverty.  The funding should be focused on resources, activities and approaches focussed on learners impacted by poverty, which will lead to improvements in literacy, numeracy and support health and wellbeing.  Please complete the survey:  click here

Weekly Update – 27 February 2023

School closed – Tuesday and Wednesday -due to industrial action. Ferryport Nursery will be open as usual on both days.

Thursday 2nd MarchWorld Book Day – to  celebrate all things about books children and staff are being encouraged to wear nightwear to school and bring a favourite book.  Please do not let children wear house slippers to and from school (they can, if desired, change into them at school).

Scholastic Book Orders – Unfortunately the Book Fair is to be collected at lunchtime on the 2nd of March.  Therefore if parents wish to come into school to choose and pay for a book this can only be accommodated on Thursday 2nd March 9 – 9:30 am.

Parent/Carer Meeting Online Booking – the link will be sent out this week.

Final reminders:

  • Scottish Opera Show for P5-7 – Monday 6th March at 2:15pm.
  • Tempest Individual Photos – Wednesday 8th March – everyone to wear school uniform even if a gym day.

Weekly Update – 21 February 2023

Industrial Action – a letter was sent to all families last week to notify of planned school and nursery closure next week – Tuesday 28th February and Wednesday 1st March – due to planned teacher industrial action.  We will notify you if there is any change to this.

World Book Day and Scholastic Book Fair – information about our World Book Day plans were shared in last week’s update. Here is another reminder click here.

Scholastic Book Fair – arrives this Friday. You will receive an email on how to order books.

Scottish Opera P5-7 – a reminder that on Monday 6th March P5-7 will be presenting their production to their families at 2:15 pm in the sports hall.

Tempest – individual photos – on Wednesday 8th March. If Wednesday is usually a gym day for your child they should come to school in uniform not gym kit on this date.

Parent/Carer Progress Meetings – the online booking system will be set upfor you to book meetings on Thursday 16th or Tuesday 21st March.  An email will be sent by the end of this week with links.

Fife Council is consulting on the Local Transport Strategy for Fife 2023-2033. They invite you to have your say on our priorities and ambitions by completing their survey.  The Local Transport Strategy sets out our vision for fair, sustainable access for all and a proposed action plan for the next ten years.  Details of the consultation events, as well as a link to the survey, are on their web page:
  • Paper copies are available at Fife Council Customer Service Centres
  • Consultation closes Sunday 2 April


Weekly Update – 13 February 2023

World Book Day plans Click here to see our plans for World Book Day 2023.

We have added some information to support children’s wellbeing to our Parent/Carer section of the website: click here for a direct link.

Fife’s Neurodevelopmental Webpages – Launch – Fife Council are launching a website to signpost staff and families to. The purpose of the site is to clarify what we mean by Neurodevelopment, and to provide information on referral, diagnosis and the support available. Going forward, this will be a crucial tool in how we share information on our processes and the advice we can make available to families. The site has very recently gone live, and the Test of Change project team have asked if I would share it with staff and  families. Importantly, the project group is looking for feedback on the site content and structure as part of its future development. Users can leave feedback using the link that is included at the foot of each page.

Inservice Day – Wednesday 15 February – school closed to pupils.  Teachers  and nursery staff will be updating their Child Protection knowledge.   Teachers will also be reviewing learning environments and considering how they can be improved.  We will be reviewing our school improvement plan to date and identify any next steps. Mrs Simpson and PSAs are attending a De-escalation workshop and this will support refreshing our positive behaviour policy.  New flooring on the main staircase will be fitted during inservice and the mid-term holiday.  

Thursday 16 and Friday 17 February – Mid-term Holiday – School closed.

Weekly Update – 6 February 2023

Safer Internet Day – Tuesday 7th February – click here to access advice for parents to support safe online behaviour.

General security – if you are collecting your child from school during the day please come to the main door, buzz and wait for an adult to hand over your child.  Occasionally if you are picking up the front door will be open but children cannot leave without school staff handing them to you.  Many thanks for your cooperation with this.

Vandalism – I am sorry to report that  some staff’s cars have been deliberately scratched while parked on Dougal Street during the school day.  Please let us know if you see any such behaviour so we can report it to the community police.

Madras Community College – As you may or may not be aware, Madras College is a community use school. Meaning that the community use team within fife Council have many opportunities for our young people and their families to take part in during the evenings. Active Schools Representative, Madison Garland, has asked us to share the following  sway click here.

If you have any questions about any of the clubs please contact Damian Pedrick at Community Use. His email is
Children’s Mental Health week – 6-12 February: at L2L this week we will explore the Let’s Connect theme.  Here is some advice for parents: Top_tips_for_parents_and_carers
Ragbag collection – information was emailed to all families.  Collection date is  27th February.

Weekly Update – 30 January 2023

New flooring – just a reminder that over this week new flooring is being laid on the back stairs and other rooms.

Scots Poetry Performers – On Friday at Learn to Learn we focused on our school value of Achieving and the importance courage plays in doing things such as reciting a poem in front of others.  We celebrated the courage and performance of all those who won certificates.

Reminder of upcoming dates:

  • Bookfair arrives Friday 24th February  in school leading up to World Book Day (Thursday 2nd March).  Plans for World Book Day will be shared shortly.
  • P5-7 Scottish Opera Performance – Monday 6th March – afternoon
  • Tempest individual school photos – Wednesday 8th March
  • Tempest group class photos – Tuesday 9th May

Learning Steps Jotters – following your feedback in December Learning Steps jotters will not be sent home week beginning 6 February and instead will shared with you at teacher parent meetings in March.

Attendance monitoring – a routine attendance check will be run week beginning 6 February.  Where attendance is below 85% you will be notified.

It can be tricky deciding whether to keep your child off school, nursery or playgroup when they’re unwell. It can be tempting to keep our children at home to stop them spreading or catching a bug.  The following advice may be helpful: Click here for parent information on website.

Digital Parenting – resources/advice will continue to be added to our website. click here

Fife Music Service is seeking feedback on parent/carer awareness of Instrumental Music provision within our primary schools. They would greatly appreciate your feedback via a short Microsoft Forms questionnaire. Please scan the QR code to access the form. The form will close on Tuesday 14th of February: