Active Travel Team and Junior Road Safety Officers

Meet the Team

Freya and Jack (Primary 5/6

Gabriella, Sophie and Vada (Primary 6/7)

Fraser, Megan, Rory, Stella, Zoe (Primary 7)

Park n Stride Site

As part of our Travel Action Plan, the Active Travel Team were tasked with identifying a ‘Park and Stride’ site a close distance from the school. They chose The Common as the perfect spot.

The Active Travel Team aims to promote daily active travel and to reduce traffic at the main entrance to the school. Therefore, they hope that the new park and stride location will help achieve these targets.

Click on this Sway to see a fantastic video advertising our park n stride site.

Go to this Sway

Pedestrian Crossing Concerns

In November, Freya and Jack met with Councillor Tepp to discuss the pedestrian crossing at the front of the school. The children spoke about how some drivers fail to stop, and they feel that having the white lines painted would help. Councillor Tepp said he would raise the issue as he agreed it was a safety concern.

Halloween Safety Tips

Here is a video from the team with some top tips for staying safe around the roads.


Cycle to School Week (23rd September – 27th September)

Freya and Jack created a poster to advertise Cycle to School Week. We encourage everyone to try and travel in an active way to school. This keeps our minds healthy and it is good for the environment.

Queen Street – Tayport – DD6 9NS – 01334 659444 – email:

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