All posts by Mrs Tweed

End of school Year

Staff news – We are sad to see a number of staff moving on this summer but wish Miss McIntosh and Mrs Murray well on their new teaching adventure in Dubai.  Mrs Golding has also decided to move on to a new school in Angus council and we wish her lots of luck too.  Mrs Green and Miss Amores, Pupil Support Assistants, are also leaving us for pastures new.  We wish them all every success.

End of year gathering – everyone is welcome at the parish church on Friday at 10am when we will celebrate the end of a great year.

Milk money must be paid by end of term.

Ferryport Nursery had a very positive Care Inspectorate Unannounced Visit on 12 May – report now available at: on the Care Inspectorate website.

School finishes on Friday 30th June at 3pm.  All classes will be in the main playground with their teacher just before 3pm so they can wave off our P7 leavers who will exit from the sports hall doors and then parade up to the front of the school.

School reopens to pupils on Wednesday 16th August.  Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th August are inservice days for all staff.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy break.

Weekly Update – 19 June 2023

No football shirts for gym days – please ensure that on gym days children wear plain t-shirts and shorts.

End of year progress reports will be issued on Friday afternoon.

Milk fund open for next term.

Fake Nails are not safe for the wearer or other children in primary school e.g. during gym or playtimes.

Weekly Update – 12 June 2023

Sharing Our Learning – thank you so much for visiting school on Friday afternoon.  Over 70% of pupils had visitors and opportunity to talk about and share their learning.  We would love your feedback if you managed to attend: click here

Return all reading books or school resources – as we move towards summer please check if you have any school books or resources and return them asap.

Classes for 2023-24 – We appreciate your patience while our school teaching team is confirmed this week.  We will have 9 classes and our planned class structure is as follows:

P1, P1/2, P2/3, P3, P4, P4/5, P5/6, P6 and P7

It is important to highlight that the above class structure could change after the summer break if new families arrive and require spaces that are not available.  All children will meet their planned new teacher and visit their new classroom on Thursday morning.

Weekly Update – 29 May 2023

Sports Day – thank you for your support in making Friday such a successful day.  I was very proud witnessing children displaying our school value of kindness to themselves and others.

Walk to School Week – Tayport Primary School placed third out of 66 Fife schools that took part!  Well done to everyone and let’s keep it up!

Parent survey – we are in need of your feedback to support next year’s school improvement planning so a link to a short survey is included in this week’s weekly update email. Thank you in advance.

P7 Fife Boys’ Cross Country Champion – Harry Robinson competed and placed first in this highly competitive race last week.  Harry also won the endurance race at Friday’s sports day.

Headlice – some classes have ongoing issues with recurring headlice.  Please can everyone keep combing and checking regularly! click here for NHS advice,

Classes for 2023-24 – our staffing is yet to be confirmed for next session so classes cannot yet be set.  It is anticipated we will be able to share new class structures and teachers by 9th June.

Dates to the end of term:

  • Monday 5th June – Holiday
  • Tuesday 6th June – Inservice Day 5 – school closed to pupils.
  • Friday 9th June – Sharing our Learning from 1:45 pm – 2:45 pm. You are welcome to come into our classes so children can talk about their learning. A bell will ring at 2:45pm so all visitors leave the building.  Children will depart as usual at 3pm.
  • w.b. 12th June – Final week of homework.
  • 13-15th June – P7 transition visits to Madras
  • Wednesday 14th June – 6pm – New P1s Information evening
  • Thursday 15th June – P1-6 children have transition visit with new class teacher.
  • Friday 23rd June – School report cards issued.
  • Monday 26th June – 6pm – P7 Leavers’ Ceremony (P7 families only)
  • Friday 30th June – 10am – End of year celebration and gathering at the Church – everyone welcome. School closes at 3pm.

Weekly Update – 22 May 2023

Sports Day – Friday 26 May – 9:15 – 12pm at Tayport Football Club Grounds – an email was sent out last week re: volunteers to support walking to the grounds and helping with running the event.  Please contact  Sherree Rennie directly 07845 027883 if you can help.  The weather forecast is good for Friday so please apply plenty sunscreen before school and send your child wearing a hat.  Children should wear shorts and trainers as well as something in their house colour : Morton – blue; Scotscraig – green; Kinshaldy – yellow.

Please remember that all children will sit with their teacher and class for the duration of sports day.  Spectators should remain behind the fenced area.

School dinner on sports day will be cold options only – ham or cheese rolls, yogurt, fruit etc.

We were delighted to receive our core Reading School Accreditation recently.  Next session we are going to move forward with gaining the silver level.

Virtual HT Coffee Morning Feedback:

One parent enquired about the way school dinners work. As you know children either choose options at home or in the morning at school, they are then given the relevant coloured band to wear at lunchtime.  As a school we order a few extra lunches in each option to cover the unexpected.  In an ideal world this system would mean that everyone gets exactly what they have chosen but the reality is that children change their mind, lose their bands and very occasionally we run out of a dish that has to be portioned while serving e.g. macaroni cheese.  Our dinner ladies are very accommodating and go above and beyond to make sure everyone gets their lunch,  We recently switched the order that classes come into the lunch hall so that it is not always the same classes coming in last.  Generally we do not have much leftovers (except peas or broccoli!) and this is put into the food waste. If you have any issues with lunches I would urge you to get in touch at the time so we can look into it.

Weekly Update – 9 May 2023

P7 Bake Sale – this Friday.  P7 are raising funds for their “Big Day Out” and will be hosting a bake sale, small stalls and a raffle this Friday.  All classes will visit the sale. Any donations of baking will be gratefully received. Please send in small change to purchase.

P7 Bake Sale Raffle Prize – the raffle prize has kindly been donated by Kitschnbake – an afternoon tea for two – £1 for 2 strips!


Walk to school week – 15 – 19th May – our Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) launched our Walk to School week at Learn to Learn on Friday.  Over next week they are actively promoting everyone walking to school – all classes will be tracking their own data.  This links to our school travel plan: click here

Our dress down day raised £103.  A cheque will be sent to the NE Fife Toy Drive organisers.  Thank you for your support with this.


Weekly Update – 2 May 2023

Our class learning overviews for this term are now on our website. Please take a look: click here

Ferryport Nursery newsletters are available by clicking here.

Reminders: The HT coffee morning has been moved from Thursday 4th to Tuesday 16th May at 9am.  There’s a Parent Council meeting this Wednesday 3rd May at 6pm in school.

Volunteers needed for sports day – contact parent council via the Facebook page.

Dress Down in red, white & blue for the Coronation this Friday. Special lunch box available at school dinners this Thursday – please order in advance.


P7 are organising a Bake Sale, raffle and other small stalls on Friday 12th May.  This is to raise funds towards their “Big Day Out” at the end of June.   They would welcome any baking donations from Thursday 11th May.  With thanks in advance.

Road Safety –  if you enter our school grounds between 9am and 3 pm please ensure that you close our gates, and bolt them, as you enter and exit.

Weekly Update – 24 April 2023

Further Calendar Updates – click here for full calendar:

Sports Day change – due to availability of the Football Club grounds sports day will now go ahead on Friday 26th May.  We are seeking volunteers to support the running of the event.  Please contact the parent council via their Facebook page if you can help.

Parent Council Meeting – on Wednesday 3rd May – 6pm – in person at school.  We are desperately seeking more involvement from families.

Special school lunch to mark King Charles III Coronation – on Thursday 4th May the school dinner option will be a special party lunch box.  Please order online in advance.

Please ensure children bring a jacket every day – the weather is very changeable and we always aim to get children outside at breaks and lunchtime.

Weekly Update – 18 April 2023

Scaffolding – The scaffolding around the school building is to allow for essential repair work to be conducted on the spire roof.  It is likely to be in place until August.  Children are being urged not to go near the barriers and to leave the playground promptly at the end of day due to possible vehicle access.

The school calendar has been updated click here. Please note the following:

Thursday 4th May – Head Teacher Coffee Morning – 9am – Come along and have a coffee and chat with Mrs Tweed.

Friday 5th May – Donate a £1 and Dress Down in Red/White/Blue and wear a crown for the King’s Coronation.  (School closed for an additional public holiday on Monday 8th May).

Tuesday 9th May – Tempest whole class photos. School uniform to be worn even if a usual PE day.

Friday 26th May – Sports Day.  The venue is Tayport football ground.

Friday 9th June – 1:45 -2:45 – Sharing Our Learning Open House – all families are invited into classrooms to find out what we have been learning this term.

Thank you for your feedback regarding our March Pupil Progress Meetings.  This has been summarised for you:

Birthday Cakes – we politely request that birthday cakes are not sent in to be shared in classes. Due to allergy risks and the impracticality of teachers cutting up cakes please note that going forward any cakes that are sent in will be returned for the parent/carer to distribute.

Active Schools Update from term 3 –  Madison Garland, Active Schools Co-ordinator has asked that we share her update: click here.