Weekly Update – 23 January 2023

Learning Overviews for Term 3 are now on our website: Click here to access them.

Scots Poetry – over the past two weeks all children are gaining the experience of learning and delivering a Scots poem.  Class  certificates (linked to our Achieve school value) will be presented on Friday.  The achievement focus is on trying hard, not giving up and delivering the poem with expression (children do not need to memorise the poem).  Well done to everyone!

Scottish Opera – P5-7 have begun learning songs from Scottish Opera and will be performing on the afternoon of  Monday 6th March.  More information to follow. click here to find out more about this learning.

Head Teacher Coffee Morning – you are warmly invited this Thursday 26th January  to drop by for a coffee/tea with Mrs Tweed to have a chat about school.  Come to the main office just after 9am.

New flooring –  We are delighted to be having new flooring fitted on both school staircases as well as in two classrooms.  To minimise disruption much of the work is being done over weekends, the inservice day and holidays, however week beginning 30th January may see some temporary reorganisation of entry/exit points at the start and end of day.  We will update families at the end of this week.

Learning Partnership Visit – On Monday 23rd a Fife Quality Improvement Advisor and two head teachers will visit Tayport PS and Ferryport nursery and engage in quality assurance activities such as class learning visits, pupil focus groups and staff focus groups in order to give us feedback on our school improvement priorities.

Anyone in need of support with food in an emergency from the Tayhead Foodbank  should call 07840 957039 .

There are a couple of support with the cost of living applications open at the moment: