Weekly Update – 15 November 2022

Dress down for Children in Need – bring £1 to donate to Children in Need on Thursday 17th November. The theme is “Be Spotacular”. No football strips to be worn.

Remembrance Day – Our P7s demonstrated great respect when they visited Tayport’s War Memorial and laid their wreath on Friday 11th. click here for Twitter link.

Learning Steps Jotters – these were sent home last week and should be returned to school now with your comments.  We will be consulting with you shortly about the effectiveness of the learning steps in sharing your child’s progress.

Panto Visit – our Parent Council is generously supporting the cost of the P1- 7 panto visit in December.  As a result all families are being asked to pay only £5 per child – a separate email has been sent with full details.  Please contact Mrs Tweed either by phone or email if this cost is a barrier to your child attending: tayportps.headteacher@fife.gov.uk.

Attendance – Everyone in Fife is committed to supporting better school attendance. It’s Just One Day!  Random absences, not just those on consecutive days of school, matter. Before you know it – just one or two days a month can add up to nearly 10 percent of the school year.     A letter regarding our school’s focus on improving attendance will be emailed this week – please read this carefully.

Exciting news! As part of our focus on Scottish Book Week and developing a love of reading, P1-3 families are invited to come and join some Bookbug and Read, Write, Count activities in classes on Friday 25th November from 2:15 pm until 3:00 pm.

Week beginning 21 November is our Anti-Bullying Focus Week. The national theme of Anti-bullying week is “Reach Out” which fits in nicely with our whole school building resilience programme and current focus of “Keep Connected”.  We will share the learning with you over the week.

Toy Drive Drop off point here at school. Thank you for all your donations so far.  We are still accepting self-referrals too.

Diversity Survey for school families from Fife Council: Please complete this form