Weekly Update – 27 September 2022

Our House Captains were announced last Friday.  We were very proud of all the young people who ran.  This was a great activity to promote building resilience and they all excelled.  Here is a link to our Twitter feed: click here

Macmillan Coffee Morning – this coming Thursday 9:30 – 10:30am. Please send in home baking on Wednesday and Thursday morning. Thank you in advance.

At the end of term we will be sharing learning within school about our first unit in building resilience – Be Resilient.  Here’s a reminder of the home activity to get children talking about this important area of health and wellbeing.  Unit 1 Home activity

Three of our Primary 6s are attending peer mediation training this week, along with Miss Narauskaite and representatives from all our cluster primaries.  They plan to use the skills they learn to make our school and playground a friendlier place! Here is more information about peer mediation in Fife: click here

Please send in foodbank donations during this week or on our dress down “French theme day” on Friday.

Thank you to those who responded to the Fife Equity Approach to Digital Devices.  47% of p1-7 pupils were represented in the responses. The survey is now closed so please contact school directly if you did not submit a response and your child does not have adequate access to a device.  The criteria being considered at present is:

  • Family unemployment or financial difficulties
  • Learner additional support needs.
  • Young carer responsibilities.
  • Care experience of young people.
  • Free school meal entitlement
  • Stage of learning.