Weekly Update – 20 September 2022

Macmillan Coffee Morning – Thursday 29th September, 9:30 – 10:30 am.  All donations of cakes and bakes welcomed.

Foodbank collection – Our Community Champion MAD group is looking for donations of non-perishable items for their collection for Tayport’s community fridge.

Vive La France – French Day – Friday 30th September – Nursery and School will celebrate our learning by having a “French Day” together.

  • Children and staff are asked to wear something red/white/blue. We request that where possible, children bring a donation for the Foodbank on this day.
  • There will be activities in the classroom linked to France/ French.
  • Everyone will have a French style snack.
  • Our Learn to Learn assembly wlll focus on the learning across school.
  • We will share this learning with families with a short video.

Digital Equity –  An email was sent today to collect information regarding pupil access to digital devices for learning at home.  Please respond by return.

Parents’ Evening – Our first parents’ evening is this Thursday. We have had an excellent uptake of appointments. If you have not booked there is still time.  Contact the school office if you are unsure how to do this.