Weekly Update – 28 March 2022

We made it! The final week of term 3 is upon us. Learning Steps will be sent home today to share learning over the term.  Your child will be able to share and talk about their progress with their targets. Please return the learning steps jotter, with your feedback, by Friday.

We are doing a special certificate award for children who regularly demonstrate all the school values and vision. We look forward to sharing this with you on Friday.

Click here to read the summarised feedback from the recent family survey. It is on our website under School Improvement Work/ Stakeholder Feedback.

Easter Egg Gifts – Our Parent Council has again secured a generous Easter gift to all children at Tayport and Ferryport. All the children will leave with an Easter Egg this Friday. Thank you to all those who support the fundraising efforts of the Parent Council Team.

Saftey near water – concerned members of the public have contacted us and asked us to highlight that, after school hours, some Tayport PS children have been seen sitting on the seawall at high tide. There is also a risk of quick sand in this area.  Please remind your child about your expected safety rules when they are out in the community.

As you will have heard in the news Covid cases remain high in Scotland and therefore in school we reduce risk by minimising the number of external visitors. Therefore, at this time our Tempest individual and sibling group photo date of Friday 22nd April remains provisional.  We are however expecting for risk assessment guidance to change on our return allowing this to go ahead.

All families will be offered an opportunity to grow 3 varieties of tatties next term. We are awaiting the arrival of the seed potatoes. We will do a great tattie giveaway after the holidays.