Weekly Update – 1 March 2022

Our school value focus this week is Responsibility.

World Book Day – Thursday 3rd March – Your child can bring a favourite book with them on Thursday 3rd March when we will participate in DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time throughout the day. We look forward to sharing our WBD celebration via our school Twitter account.

Fife Library Resources for World Book Day week: OnFife Virtual LibrarYAY, week beginning Monday 28th Feb (office.com)

 Scholastic Book Fair – Children are enjoying browsing  and exploring the new texts being sold at the book fair. Details on how to order were shared last week.  The following is a link to online payment: https://bookfairs.scholastic.co.uk/travelling-books/pay  which should be done as soon as possible.

Family/Group Tempest Photos Postponed until term 4. Date tbc.

There have been several ongoing cases of head lice reported in classes. Please check your child’s hair regularly.  Here is some useful advice/guidance: https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/skin-hair-and-nails/head-lice-and-nits

Parent/carer survey – Later this week a survey will be emailed to all families to seek feedback on school improvements this year. We welcome your feedback.