Weekly Update – 23 October 2023

Welcome back! We are delighted that our building and playground are finally scaffolding free!

Please send your child to school with a coat every day.  We always aim to get outside at breaks and lunchtimes even when there is light rain.  We appreciate your support in keeping school uniform and gym day clothes in our school colours.  Gym t-shirts should be full length (so they can be tucked in if needs be) and not cropped vest tops. 

Our termly class learning overviews are now on our website.  These documents give you information on the planned learning, whole school themes and events. It also has the teacher’s email address – please let them know of any out of school achievements. click here to open on website.

We are keen to showcase the wonderful learning across the school from term 1.  This showcase should demonstrate our curriculum rationale and the 4 contexts for learning. We are trialling using a Sway to do this.  Please take a look: click here.

Scottish Poppy Appeal – each year we support the Poppy Appeal and lay a Remembrance poppy wreath at Tayport’s memorial.   Children can bring in money to donate in return for a poppy from Tuesday 24th.

As a Rights Respecting School we are sharing the following link which can support you listening to and answering any questions your child may have about the current conflict situations around the world.