Weekly Update – 18 September 2023

This week our Primary 7s head to Ardroy for their residential and outdoor learning trip. Mrs Tweed, Mrs Simpson and Mrs Holt are accompanying the children and we are all looking forward to a marvellous experience.  Mrs Peterson will be overseeing all aspects of school and nursery during this time.

Thank you to those bilingual parents who have already offered their talents to our week of language celebration.  We would welcome further offers. Please click here. if you can help.

Flu Vaccines for P1-6 – Wednesday 20th September.  P7 will receive theirs on 8th November.

P1-3 shared starts – These are timetabled half hour slots (9-9.30am Tues 26– Thurs 28 Sep) to allow you to “Stay and Play” with your P1-3 child.  Shared Starts give you the chance to see, at first hand, the types of activities your child is engaged in during class time.  There will be a focus on maths due to it being Maths Week Scotland. The activities on offer enable you to have quality interactions with your child on a one to one or with a small group.  Come in, take part and enjoy the importance of play!

Medication in School – In line with Fife Council medication procedures we are now unable to administer medicines which do not have a pharmacist’s label clearly stating the required dose to be taken. Any medication which would need to be administered during the school day will require an administration of medicine form to be completed and a pharmacist’s label attached.

Rights Respecting Schools work – You are already aware that we have launched our RRS work this term with our whole school topic “out rights our choices”,  On Thursday last week P5/6, P6 and P7 had a worthwhile visit from the Scottish Parliament.  We know that the UNCRC is a list of promises made by almost all the governments in the world to give children what they need. There are 54 promises called articles and part of our job in school is to teach children about their rights and about how to respect others’ rights. The key articles for us in school are:

3: All decisions should be made with children’s best interests and safety in mind.

24: The right to health care, nutritious food and clean water.

27: The right to an adequate standard of living.

28: The right to a primary education.

29: One of the goals of education is to teach respect for the environment and for other children an adults.

31: The right to play and relax.