Weekly Update – 9 May 2023

P7 Bake Sale – this Friday.  P7 are raising funds for their “Big Day Out” and will be hosting a bake sale, small stalls and a raffle this Friday.  All classes will visit the sale. Any donations of baking will be gratefully received. Please send in small change to purchase.

P7 Bake Sale Raffle Prize – the raffle prize has kindly been donated by Kitschnbake – an afternoon tea for two – £1 for 2 strips!


Walk to school week – 15 – 19th May – our Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) launched our Walk to School week at Learn to Learn on Friday.  Over next week they are actively promoting everyone walking to school – all classes will be tracking their own data.  This links to our school travel plan: click here

Our dress down day raised £103.  A cheque will be sent to the NE Fife Toy Drive organisers.  Thank you for your support with this.