Weekly Update – 9 January 2023

Survey Feedback from families – I have summarised your feedback in the following video in our stakeholder feedback section of the website: Stakeholder Feedback | Tayport Primary School and Ferryport Nursery (glowscotland.org.uk)

Please note that the weekly update sits on our website and, where possible, I add links to take you directly to information.  Weekly updates are posted on a Monday or Tuesday as sometimes I am expecting information from other places that needs to be shared and it does not always arrive at the beginning of the week!

Industrial Action –  Tuesday 10th January.  An email will be sent later on Monday 9th to confirm if the industrial action is going ahead. If it goes ahead please use the following link (from our website) to engage in learning at home:  Learning | Tayport Primary School and Ferryport Nursery (glowscotland.org.uk)

P1 and Nursery Enrolment –  Nursery enrolments opened on 6th January and close on 31st January. P1 enrolments for August 2023 opened today (9th January) and close on 15th March.  We would encourage families to apply as soon as possible.  Click here to access all enrolment links and information from our website.

School Calendar for Term 3 – please refer to the school calendar for planned dates for this session.  School Calendar | Tayport Primary School and Ferryport Nursery (glowscotland.org.uk) Some dates are subject to change – please contact us if you have any queries.