Category: S1 to S3

Start-up Science Masterclasses

FREE Start-up Science Masterclasses for S1 and S2 Students

The Royal Society of Edinburgh is inviting applications for the Spring 2020 Start-up Science Masterclasses. These are run in partnership with, and will take place at, St Andrews University. The Masterclasses are intended to give young people who have shown an interest in science and technology the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and experience.


Four Masterclasses will take place on successive Saturday mornings and will comprise of a mixture of talks and fun, practical activities with guidance and encouragement from session leaders.


There will be Masterclasses on:

Marine Discovery (4th April)

Bagpipes and Electrons (25th April)

Volcanic Eruptions:  Past and Present – On Earth and Beyond (2nd May)

Chemical Cluedo (16th May)


To apply for a place, please download and complete the following application form: 

You can also pick up an application form from any Science Teacher.


You can then return the form by post to:

The Royal Society of Edinburgh

22–26 George Street




Or by email to:


The closing date for applications is Saturday 21st March at 12noon.


S1/S2 Science Masterclasses at Dundee University

The Royal Society of Edinburgh is pleased to announce the 2019 autumn dates for the Start-Up Science Masterclasses at the University of Dundee. The set of 4 classes will take place on Saturday mornings during  November and will comprise a mixture of talks and practical activities with guidance and encouragement from session leaders.

At these sessions, S1 and S2 students get up to all sorts of scientific mischief and mayhem.

The linked flyer includes a consent form (also available from Science teachers) which should be returned directly to the address given.


S1 Scientists Wanted!

S1 Scientists wanted!

Any S1 Scientist who’d like to be part of a team demonstrating practical Science to P7 pupils and their parents at the parents’ evening on Thursday October 24th should collect a consent form at a meeting with Dr Parker at break on Tuesday 22nd in Room 337.











S2 Enterprise Challenge

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Yesterday saw a number of S2 teams compete in a Dragon’s Den event to decide the winner of this year’s S2 Enterprise Challenge.  Teams had to present their ideas to a panel of judges and respond to questions from the floor about their product.

After much deliberation, the team “Hear. Say. Smart” – Niamh Cromar,  Kenzie Reid and Michael Joy – were awarded the win having pitched their idea for a clothing mounted camera which communicates to visually impaired people via means of an earpiece.

Thank you to Ryan Strachan (Graphic Designer), Mr Lownie, Lisa Giove (Head of Partnerships, St Andrews Links) and Charmaine Duthie (Business Development Manager at Jannetta’s Gelateria) for acting as judges.

Well done to all of the teams who took part in the competition.