Tag Archives: Eco

Eco Committee Trip to Dynamic Earth

The Eco Committee visited Dynamic Earth’s Natural Curiosity Exhibition on the 5th of November 2013. Children enjoyed learning from a variety of different speakers at the exhibition stalls.

 Children then went back in time on the Mother Earth of all Adventures on a tour around Dynamic Earth.

 We finished our day trip by entering the Snowdome and watching a film called, ‘We are Aliens’. This was a fantastic experience for all. They couldn’t believe the special effects! They were so shocked when snow poured over us!

Bird Cake

Some of us went to the staffroom to make bird cake. First we cut up the lard. Then we put the lard into the plastic mixing bowl with the bird seed and raisins. After that we squashed it together with our hands. Then we put the mixture into plastic cups and then into the fridge. Finally, we washed our hands.

By Simon, Bonnie, Aidden, Abbie, Luke and Brooke.

Bird Feeders

We worked in groups to make our own recycled bird feeders. First we rinsed out the bottles in the sink. Next we cut a hole in the front of the bottle. Then we made holes in the bottom of the bottle to let the water drip through. After that we out a hole in the lid of the bottle so we could attach wire to the bottle to hang it up.

By Tiegan, Rebekah, Aaron, Liam S, Simon and Bonnie.

Life cycle of the Brown Trout

This animation shows the life cycle of the brown trout:

[kml_flashembed movie=”http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid472.photobucket.com/albums/rr84/eastercarmuirs/teeganfish.mp4″ width=”400″ height=”300″ allowfullscreen=”true” /]

[kml_flashembed movie="http://vhss-d.oddcast.com/vhss_editors/voki_player.swf?doc=http%3A%2F%2Fvhss-d.oddcast.com%2Fphp%2Fvhss_editors%2Fgetvoki%2Fchsm=61638d0a08461eb890d2b791867481c7%26sc=5630356" width="200" height="267" allowfullscreen="true" /]

P6 Recycled Rockets

I made my rocket out of drain pipe, plastic cups and bottles.  It took about 2 weeks to make, the hardest bit was to stick it all together.  I really enjoyed painting it and my Papa helped me finish it.

By Taylor.

Basically, I started off with a coca cola bottle and then I used special tape that is paintable.  After that, I used a toilet tube and made a slit, I pulled it tight enough to go over the top.  Finally, I taped it with the tape.  For the shuttle I used two toilet tubes taped together, then I used a small amount of a toilet tube and cut it to a point, taped it down and for the wings I used a pizza base and cut two wing shapes out of it.  Finally I added a triangle for the tail fin and painted it!


My rocket is made out of an empty juice bottle.  The wings are empty toilet roll tubes.  I covered it all in white card, cut out the wings and stuck them on.  We painted the top of it and the wings, then covered it in stars.  I enjoyed painting it the most.


Have a look at the rest of them here.

Christmas Card Recycling

Primary 4 held the Christmas card recycling competition.  Each class had to bring in as many cards as they could.  We weighed them and these are the results.

In 3rd place was P2/1 with 15kg
In 2nd place was P4 with 16 and half kg
In 1st place was P5Mac with 24 and half kg

The total weight of all the cards collected was 95 and half kg.

By Amber