Category Archives: Primary 4

Magic Potion in P4

On Tuesday we made a potion and it was really funny because everyone was laughing including me. Everyone wrote about it. I did to and me and Bryan drew pictures of Mr Olyott getting covered in the potion. I had so much fun so did Sophie! We did it because we were following instructions and Mr Olyott put some more in at maths.
From Aaron

P4 Get a Certificate

Primary 4 got a certificate because we did a presentation on being healthy.
We gave advice on healthy snacks. You could just take a small chocolate bar instead of a big bag of sweets.
You could bring fruit or vege as a place piece instead of sweets, they’d be better for you.
You could make use of the healthy tuck shop for a snack too.
Shannyn and Paige did a presentation about healthy eating. They did a survey of which classes had the healthiest snacks.

P4 visit Muiravonside

On Thursday 15th of September, P4 went to see Muiravonside Country Park. We went to see the history of the park, which used to be owned by the Stirling family.

We went to see Dobbie’s house and a Witches house. They were deep in the woods, but near to the river. We also saw the Stirling family graveyard, and had to say a password to get in.

We also went to the farm and the play park. At the farm we saw big fat round pigs, a shetland pony, two lamas, loads of baby chicks and three big bulls with horns like viking helmets.

We really enjoyed it. By Primary 4.

