4 thoughts on “EM P1-4 Blog Entry 25th September 2020”

  1. Another great blog! Well done Rosie, you look delighted and so you should, every little girls dream I think! And you do look very sweet on your horse Mrs Mackinnon!
    Great to hear that the children have been sorting toys into toy boxes as that always seems to be something they have difficultly with at home! I will be making sure they do their homework for that task! 🤣
    We had a lovely walk this afternoon and now have a Welsh Amber Pudding in the oven for tomorrow’s dessert 😋. Thank you for the lovely idea Mrs Mackinnon!

    1. Oh brilliant! I hope you like the pudding!
      Somehow I am not surprised about toy boxes – always a tricky task that anyone else can do!
      Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
      Mrs Mackinnon

  2. Oh wow, Mrs MacKinnon, look at you!!! Rosie will be impressed by the height of your jump… And very jealous that you had a pony… The answer is still no!!! Rosie is not getting her own pony!

    Another busy week, hope you’re all recovering ready for the next one. Rosie loved having Jenna in.

    1. Keeping a pony was very hard work I can tell you!
      If I remember correctly I think my father made that jump. I must have nagged a bit I think!
      I am so glad you are continuing to read the class blog…. something tells me hens will feature next week!
      Mrs Mackinnon

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