


Thug Rory a-steach sligean a lorg e air an traigh. Bha e air am peantadh dathan eadar-dhealaichte!

Rory brought in some beautifully painted shells.


Chaidh Clas 3 gu Harris House. Bha sinn a’ cluich torr geamanan comhla ri na daoine a tha fuireach ann. Bha sinn math air bruidhinn ruitha agus ghabh sinn briosgaidean agus sugh. Tha e uabhasach matha a dol ann!

Primary 3 went to Harris House to play some games with the people that live there. We enjoyed talking to them and having some juice and biscuits. We really enjoy going to Harris House!

Thainig Mairi MacAmhlaigh a-steach a bhruidhinn mu dheidhinn a leabhar ur aice, Mo Ghranaidh agus an losgann mor. Bha e math ag eisteachd ri stoiridh agus bha na dealbhan gle eibhinn!

Mary MacAulay came into school to talk to us about her new book. We enjoyed the story, and the pictures were very funny!!


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