Ashley Dhòmhnallach, oide pìobaireachd
Buinidh Ashley Dhòmhnallach do dh’Uibhist agus tha i air a bhith a’ teagasg ann an sgoiltean Leòdhais agus na Hearadh fad trì bliadhna. Tha i an-dràsta a’ teagasg ann an 10 sgoiltean eadar Nis aig tuath agus an t-Òb aig deas.
Thòisich Ashley air an fheadan nuair a bha i 8 bliadhna a dh’aois agus b’ ise a’ chiad neach às na h-Eileanan Siar a fhuair àite mar bhall de Chòmhlan Pìoba Òigridh Nàiseanta na h-Alba nuair a bha i eadar 12-16. Chluich i cuideachd còmhla ri Còmhlan Pìoba Uibhist agus tha i a-nis ann an Còmhlan Pìoba Leòdhais, a tha air Co-fharpais Pìobaireachd Eòrpach a bhuannachadh.
Tha Ashley cuideachd a’ gabhail pàirt ann an co-fharpaisean aon-neach agus bhuannaich i iomadach duais thairis air na bliadhnaichean.
On a thòisich Ashley na dreuchd leis a’ Chomhairle, thàinig i gu bhith na stiùirirche air Còmhlan Pìoba Òigridh Leòdhais agus na Hearadh. Tha mu 31 pìobaire anns a’ chòmhlan agus tha iad cuideachd an dùil cur ri sgioba nan drumairean aca uaireigin an-ath-bhliadhna.
Ashley MacDonald originally comes from Uist and has been teaching in the Lewis and Harris Schools for the past three years as a Piping Instructor, where she teaches in 10 schools all over the Island from Ness to Leverburgh. Ashley started playing the chanter when she was 8 years old and was the first person from the Western Isle that won a placement as a member in the National Youth Pipe Band of Scotland from the age of 12 – 16. She also played with the Uist Pipe Band and now plays with the European Champions, Lewis Pipe Band. Ashley also played on the competition scene and has won a number of prizes during the years.
Since Ashley started her role with the Comhairle, she is now the Director of the Lewis & Harris Youth Pipe Band. The band has around 31 pipers and are also looking to expand their drum core some time next year.
Ms MacDonald teaches chanter and pipes in the following schools in Lewis & Harris:
- Lionel School
- Shawbost School
- Sgoil an Taobh Siar
- Uig School
- Bernera School
- Breasclete School
- Sgoil nan Loch
- Pairc School
- Sir E Scott School
- Leverhulme Memorial School