Below is the January edition of Paisley Diocese “Centred on Christ” as well as the prayer for the jubilee year.
Please take time to review both documents.
Centred on Christ January 2025
Below is the January edition of Paisley Diocese “Centred on Christ” as well as the prayer for the jubilee year.
Please take time to review both documents.
Centred on Christ January 2025
Below are documents produced by the Diocese of Paisley to support both parents and pupils on their faith journey.
Please take time to look at them.
Below are documents produced by the Diocese of Paisley to support both parents and pupils on their faith journey.
Please take time to look at them.
Week Beginning 23 May is Laudato Si’ Week 2022. This is a time for us to refocus our efforts and attention on the terrible damage being done to our beautiful planet and to remember that it is our duty as Christians to work to stop this. We also remember all those in the developing world who are already suffering as a result of global warming and climate change.
This week’s prayers have been composed by Primary 7 pupils from our four associated primary schools as part of the Primary 7 Laudato Si’ Prayer Competition.
St Joseph’s Breakfast and The Table of St Joseph.
To mark the Feast of St Joseph which is Saturday 19 March, we will host our St Joseph’s Breakfast at 8.00am on Friday 18 March 2022. The input before Mass will be given by Danny Sweeney of Justice and Peace Scotland on the topic of ‘Asylum Seekers and Refugees – The Effects on Families’.
The event will begin at 8.00am with the Prayer of St Joseph followed by our input. At 8.25am we will celebrate Mass with Canon Baillie. After Mass visitors are invited to join together for breakfast.
As in previous years, we will have our Table of St Joseph which is a Sicilian Tradition. All attending are invited to bring with them some food or a donation and place them on the Table of St Joseph. Whatever is donated will be shared with Asylum Seekers or Refugees who are in need.
All pupils, staff, families and parishioners are invited to our St Joseph’s Breakfast.
SCIAF Lenten Appeal 2022 and Support for the People of Ukraine.
• This Lent the Scottish Catholic Church’s Agency’s Lenten Appeal will have a focus on Malawi and the effect of climate change on the people of Malawi.
• You will obviously be aware of the great need of the people of Ukraine, both those who remain in their home and those who have had to flee.
With a distinct change in people’s habit regarding carrying money, we have set up two accounts for donations on Parent Pay : an account for donations to SCIAF and an account for donations for Ukraine.
Both accounts allow payments from £1. 00 to £20.00 and allow for more than one donation.
If you would like to make a donation please follow the usual procedure for Parent Pay and select
‘SCIAF Lenten Appeal 2022’ or ‘Ukraine’.
This link will take you to Parent Pay
These have been set to allow you to make donations £1. 00 to £20.00 and to make repeat donations.
However, we will accept, via RE Teachers, cash donations for both appeals.
Thank-you for your support.
Tuesday 1st of February is the Feast Day of Patroness of Ireland, St Brigid. To mark her Feast Day, Miss Daly will lead an input on making the distinctive St Brigid’s Cross and the story of St Brigid.
This will take place at 12.20pm on Tuesday in RE Room 4. All pupils and staff are invited along and can bring their lunch.
Pope Francis has asked that today be a Day of Prayer for Peace in Ukraine. Luke McKinnon of Sixth Year has prepared a short reflection for use in classes and at home.
Senior pupils are invited to a seminar on the role of journalism and new media in Scotland. This seminar will be particularly important for Senior Pupils who would like to follow a career in politics or journalism. Discussion will include moral issues associated with the modern media.
Speakers are Mary McGinty (co-founder of the Scottish Catholic), John Paul Connolly (Professor of Public Policy, University of the West of Scotland) and Ronnie Convery (Director of Communications, Archdiocese of Glasgow and Associate Editor of Adamah Media).
Details and registration are available with this link.
For many years, we have had a good relationship with Stella Maris including speakers to our classes and fundraising for their work. This online panel is sure to be of great interest and perhaps eye-opening for many of us.
To mark World Fisheries Day, please join Stella Maris (formerly known as Apostleship of the Sea) for an online panel discussion on Tuesday 23rd November from 7.30pm to 9pm GMT to take a look at the darker side of the maritime world: modern slavery aboard some fishing vessels, and at what is being done about it. Panellists include Deacon Nick O’Neill from the Diocese (who is also Stella Maris Senior Area Port Chaplain for South England and Wales), experts from the UK’s Maritime and Coastguard Agency and other specialist organisations. The panel will explore this issue further, to explain how fishers can find themselves trapped in this horrific situation, and what we at Stella Maris and others do to rescue and protect those in danger. To attend, please register now at: