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Year of St Joseph – Afternoon for Families.

Year of St Joseph Afternoon for Families

Families are warmly invited to come together with Bishop John to mark the Year of St Joseph on Sunday 19th September from 2.00pm in St Mirin’s Cathedral Hall.
The event will include an opportunity to reflect in prayer as families in faith and join together for some light refreshments. Fr Jonathan will conclude the gathering with the celebration of Mass in the Cathedral at 4.00pm.

SCIAF And Laudato Si’

The SCIAF Group will meet for the first time this Session every Wednesday in RE Room 3. This Group will give pupils the opportunity to learn about their World and how they can improve the quality of life for themselves and their fellow humans through out the World. The Group will also focus on the Work of helping our School become a Laudato Si’ Scotland School. The attached powerpoint gives more information.


Sr Rosalie Rendu

Each year 7th February celebrates the life of Sr Rosalie Rendu, a member of the Sisters of St Vincent De Paul. Sr Rosalie was a great help to Frederic Ozanam who set up the tremendous St Vincent de Paul Society which is so well known for its great work for the poor. In 2003 Pope John Paul declared her Blessed Rosalie Rendu and the cause for her canonisation continues.
Blessed Rosalie is a fine example to all of us for her prayer life, her self-sacrificing life style and her generous work for the poor. The Daughters of St Vincent de Paul pray that her final stage to sainthood will come soon.

The attached powerpoint tells of Blessed Rosalie. We will soon be starting Lent and the Church encourages us to pray, to make sacrifices and to give alms, all of which we can see inspiration in the life of Blessed Rosalie. This week on the Teams/Google Platform for each RE Class, the pupils will be encouraged to put some quiet time aside to view this powerpoint, spend some time reflecting on the example of Blessed Rosalie and to plan out ‘what they are doing for Lent’.

Sr Rosalie Rendu

S3 Work Week Beginning Monday 1 February 2021.

So far we have looked at the harm which poverty causes in people’s lives. We have looked at some of the causes such as natural disasters and war. This week we look at an on-going injustice which prevents people from breaking away from poverty. This is unfair trade and it is something from which we all benefit at the expense of others but we can do something about it.
Watch our over the next month or so for much puplicity on this in ‘Fairtrade Fortnight’.

The work is to be completed for Wednesday 8 February 2021.

Poverty unit Lesson 4

S1 Work For Week Beginning Monday 1 February 2021.

Last lesson, we looked at Abraham, the Founder of Judaism, and the great promises which God made to him and to the people. This week we examine the Torah. The Torah is the Jewish Law and each Jew will try to live his/her life according to the Torah. However, not only is the Law respected but the actual scrolls on which the Torah is written is treated with the greatest respect.

Lesson 2 Intro to the Torah

Judaism Lesson 2 Introduction to the Torah