Early Years Modern Apprentice

 Are you interested in a career in Early Years? ✓ Are you aged between 16-19 years old? ✓ Do you want to work towards an industry recognised accredited qualification? ✓ Would you like to work full-time as an Early Years Modern Apprentice in a nursery working with babies to children aged 5 years old? We interview you for the training position We assist you to secure employment to undergo your training You will be trained over 12-15 months to be a fully qualified Early Years Practitioner, undertaking an SVQ Social Services  (Children and Young People SCQF Level 7) You Graduate upon completion No experience is necessary Work and Earn while you learn For more details and to apply online: www.carouseltraining.co.uk

BAE Systems – Apprenticeships

This year, BAE Systems Naval Ships will be recruiting circa 200 different intermediate, advanced, higher and degree apprenticeships. Anyone interested in an apprenticeship with the company is invited to attend a recruitment open evening being held at West College Scotland – Clydebank Campus on Thursday, November,17 2022. At the event, you will be able to speak with the early careers teams, meet current apprentices, meet with the staff from West College Scotland and see their facility as well as listen to talks on the wide range of available programmes. Information will also be readily available on Work Experience programmes, Women in Engineering Insight programmes and the wide range of other school based programmes we have on offer. Drop in at the event from 5.30pm-8pm to discover all ways you can play a part in the Naval Ship business. Everyone’s welcome. We’re committed to recruiting the best and most diverse talent to our team, bringing their unique insights and perspectives to build a better tomorrow. Register Here:  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bae-systems-naval-ships-recruitment-open-evening-tickets-430803353427 *Our Apprenticeship recruitment window will open 1 November 2022 – 28 February 2023 with apprenticeships commencing August 2023.

Rangers FC x UCS Sport

BSc Sports Coaching and Science We wanted to make you aware of an exciting and unique opportunity for school leavers to combine their studies alongside work experience within industry leaders! Rangers Football Club in partnership with UCS Sport are delighted to offer this unique opportunity which is now going into its 3rd year. Please find attached the course prospectus (please note this is currently being update but the course content and layout is still the same) as well linking below more information. Rangers_Soccer_Academy_Higher_Education_Prospectus-compressed Article – https://www.rangers.co.uk/article/rangers-partner-with-universal-centre-of-sport/2VAIZ8X6eAd2yjFbwvzD1c Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVGBSCS6R7E

Trainee Chef

The Normandy Hotel in Renfrew have a vacancy for a trainee chef to join their existing kitchen team. No experience is required as their in house training will ensure you develop the right skills to thrive in a busy fast-paced environment This is an exciting opportunity to develop the skills necessary to progress within the kitchen For full details on how to apply: https://findajob.dwp.gov.uk/details/10240164?utm_medium=API&utm_source=MWoW

BSc (Hons) Marine Science Open Day – Fri 28th October

We would like to invite any interested pupils, parents, teachers or guidance tutors to our Open Day at SAMS in Oban on Friday 28th October, 1.30pm to 4pm.  The day is aimed at anyone thinking of embarking on study in marine science/marine biology or students showing a strong aptitude for science subjects but who may yet be undecided about their future career path. To book onto our Open Day and find out more please visit: www.sams.ac.uk/openday BSC-Course-Flyer-2022 If you would like to speak to us directly about the Open Day and/or our undergraduate opportunities, please contact our team: Tel: 01631 599000 Email: bsc@sams.ac.uk ARRANGE A VISIT  Can’t make our Open Day on 28th October? Please send us an email to bsc@sams.ac.uk letting us know that you’d like to be informed of the next Open Days to take place and we will be in touch.

Software Engineering Graduate Apprenticeship at J.P. Morgan Glasgow

Software Engineering Graduate Apprenticeship at J.P. Morgan Glasgow is now open for applications for students wishing to join them in September 2023. We are continuing our highly successful partnership with The University of Strathclyde where our unique offering means all our apprentices will earn a full honours degree from the Russell Group university as part of their studies. At our Glasgow Technology Centre, we have over 2,000 technologists developing and supporting global systems using cutting-edge technologies. Joining this team as a Software Engineering Apprentice, over the 4 year programme applicants will learn how to analyse, develop and test code, while completing their BSc in Software Development. Entry Criteria: BBBB at Scottish Higher level. This must include either Maths, Physics or Computer Science. Start Salary (rising after 15 months): £21,000 + benefits Applicants will go through a multi-stage selection process which will operate on a rolling basis so applications should be made promptly to avoid disappointment. TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION PLEASE CLICK HERE We also wanted to give you advanced notice of the application window for our Glasgow Technology Work Experience 2023 programme for S4-S6 students. This programme gives a comprehensive overview of the technology industry and will introduce participants to our different business areas. Participants will have a chance to participate in seminars, interactive presentations, case studies and group exercises. It’s an invaluable opportunity to begin building networks and laying the ground work for the future. To apply students should visit our website: http://www.jpmorgan.com/workexperience on 20 October. Applications will stay open for 24 hours, meaning that applications can be made on this day ONLY. Applicants be asked for a short statement giving their reasons for wanting to take part in the programme, after which they will be invited to undertake a recorded video interview. We will then select our attendees from that group. We look forward to working with you and your students. If you have any questions on the above please let us know. Kind Regards The J.P. Morgan Emerging Talent Team Proud to be a top employer around the world

BAE Systems – Apprentice insight experiences

BAE Systems applications for their apprentice insight experiences are now open.  This is an excellent opportunity to gain first-hand experience of what life at BAE Systems is really like You’ll meet their inclusive team and hear about their inspirational career journeys… And you’ll get the chance to explore how you could make a big impact there too. You can be the future of BAE Systems. With BAE Systems apprenticeships, you’ll get paid while you gain job-specific training and experience. The employee networks, your team and your mentors will help you to develop connections and experience a fulfilling career. There are also plenty of opportunities for you to get involved in volunteering, so you’ll be encouraged to make a difference outside of work too. Further information and details on how to apply can be found here: https://www.baesystems.com/en/careers/careers-in-the-uk/apprenticeships/insight-experiences?fbclid=IwAR3TJVA1x0TDeiCKyZNWvUz3wWEZsvO1UIoAxoQDuAqCVER9i77ZcRpLl-U

Online Careers Event

Thank you to everyone who led presentations and attended our online careers event last night. It was fantastic evening and great to get an insight into various career pathways. We hope you are all feeling very inspired today.  

Scotland’s Rural College – Open Day

Scotland’s Rural College are running virtual and on-campus open days for all of their subject areas The events will be taking place throughout October and November. For additional information and to book your place on the open days, please visit: www.sruc.ac.uk/news-events/open-days/

Glasgow Caledonian University Open Day

The next Glasgow Caledonian University Open Day will be taking place on Saturday 8th October. Students will have the opportunity to attend talks and campus tours. University academics will be on hand along with current students to discuss preferred subject areas. To register for the Open Day, please visit here: https://app.geckoform.com/public/#/modern/21FO00ger6kyci0083h9pric6w

Scottish Education Exhibition – 5th October

The highly successful Scottish Education Exhibition (SEE) is back on October 5th, and this year’s event is set to be even bigger and better. The free, all day, virtual event for senior phase pupils and college students considering their higher and further education options will again feature Scottish universities and colleges, SDS and SAAS The events will give young people and their parents and carers the chance to talk to representatives from educational institutions from right across the country, without having to take time out to travel. You will also have the chance to join webinars covering subjects such as: Alternative routes Graduate Apprenticeships Personal statements Choose and apply Scottish finance More information can be found here:  https://scottisheducationexhibition.vfairs.com/

Online Careers Event – Wednesday 28th September 6pm

We have a number of excellent speakers joining us tomorrow evening to present at our online careers event.  This is a great opportunity to get an insight into the following careers and ask any questions that you may have. Career Event – 28th September Please join us via the links below at 6pm.  We look forward to seeing you there. Business and Finance https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MjkwZTEyNjMtOGJlYy00MWM5LTk3YmQtOTc1ZTE0YWNhNjZh%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ccd32ca3-16ce-428f-9541-372d6b051929%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22883fdfb8-b3de-4d1c-ae66-d8db3d5f7f08%22%7d Computing https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NTQxODhjZDItY2UwMS00YWViLWFjYjItYzQ4NWQxNDg4MjRj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ccd32ca3-16ce-428f-9541-372d6b051929%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22883fdfb8-b3de-4d1c-ae66-d8db3d5f7f08%22%7d Engineering https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NzkxNzIyZjMtNDM3NS00MzBhLWExMWItNjIwOWY2MDY3MzQy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ccd32ca3-16ce-428f-9541-372d6b051929%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22883fdfb8-b3de-4d1c-ae66-d8db3d5f7f08%22%7d Law https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_M2NlYzE3NWItOGQ4ZS00Y2EyLTg4YWQtYTEwMjJlODhlOTZl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ccd32ca3-16ce-428f-9541-372d6b051929%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22883fdfb8-b3de-4d1c-ae66-d8db3d5f7f08%22%7d Teaching https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ODU1NGNjMjUtNzZkZi00YzI3LWFhOWQtZWVlMGY4NmRmMDFk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ccd32ca3-16ce-428f-9541-372d6b051929%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22883fdfb8-b3de-4d1c-ae66-d8db3d5f7f08%22%7d

Migo Sports – Shop Assistant

Local sports retailer Migo Sports have a fantastic opportunity for an enthusiastic individual with a passion for sport and providing excellent customer service to join their team.  For more information and details on how to apply, please see below: Migo Sports – Shop Assistant  Full Details: https://www.migosports.co.uk/pages/jobs?_pos=1&_sid=14614a502&_ss=r At Migo Sports we want to give the customer the best possible experience and expect team members to be polite, helpful and punctual. A passion for sport and a knowledge of retail is desirable but training will be provided. This role involves serving customers and helping with the day to day running of the store. In addition to serving and advising customer, tasks such as stock management, merchandising and maintaining a well presented retail space will be necessary. There will also be opportunities to develop skills and get involved in other parts of the business, such as stock ordering, producing club kits, developing the teamwear business, marketing and web sales. We hope to create and operate a friendly environment that you enjoy working in, whilst also providing staff discount and kit allowance. Retail/Teamwear experience preferred, 24-32 hours per week. Weekday shifts with occasional Saturdays. If interested please forward a CV with cover letter to enquiries@migosports.co.uk

Babcock Apprenticeship Vacancies

Apprenticeship vacancies with Babcock are now open. They offer a variety of apprenticeships in a range of disciplines A Babcock apprenticeship gives you hands-on technical experience in the workplace while also undertaking a college course on a part-time basis. As you progress through your career, further education opportunities become available for those who want to obtain higher level qualifications. They are very proud that apprentices choose to stay with them long after completing their apprenticeship. Their highly regarded apprenticeship programme offers you a world of opportunities to develop your career in a supportive environment. Apply now by visiting: www.babcockinternational.com/careers/apprenticeships Closing date for applications is 26 March 2023. *Please note popular roles may close earlier than date advertised.

Strathclyde University open day

Strathclyde University are hosting their autumn Undergraduate Open Days in person. The next one is taking place on Saturday 8 October, 10am to 2.30pm. They have a fantastic event schedule planned on campus to allow you to find out everything you need to know about the University of Strathclyde, their facilities, courses and student life. For more information: https://www.strath.ac.uk/studywithus/openday/?utm_campaign=2210661_Schools%20Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_source=University%20of%20Strathclyde&dm_i=2XTA,1BDR9,7Q5YV8,5505E,1

Apprentice Project Co-Ordinator

There is a fantastic opportunity for an enthusiastic and hardworking individual to become an apprentice project co-ordinator within Mitie. The successful candidate will be supporting the Project Manager and be responsible for: Maintaining project trackers in excel daily Maintaining project info on Facilities Management software called Maximo daily Financial management – raising PO’s, receipting invoice values, monitoring projects spend in SAP Weekly meetings with Project Managers Working with 2 others Project coordinators Attending monthly meetings in Manchester – if required, with other Project Coordinators Use of Excel, PowerPoint and Word Use of SharePoint for document storage Use of bespoke digital project management software called Asite Working with contractors, clients, PMs and other Mitie staff as required Candidates are being sourced through set training – please see here to apply:  https://settraining.co.uk/apprenticeships/ Full job role details can be found on the attached documents

Online Careers Event

Join us on Wednesday 28th September – 6pm for our online careers event This is a great opportunity to get an insight into the following careers: Law Teaching Engineering Computing Business Finance Details on how to join the sessions will follow next week

Digital Marketing Apprenticeship

Axis studios Group are looking for an enthusiastic individual to join their team in the role of Digital Marketing Modern Apprenticeship The successful candidate will join their fast paced and exciting team to work alongside and learn from the other members of the marketing team.  It will be a hybrid working approaching with your time split between working from home and working within our Glasgow Studio in Finnieston. You should have a true passion for marketing and social media and an interest in the creative industries would be advantageous. For more details on how to apply:  https://www.apprenticeships.scot/vacancy-details?refCode=146835

Administration Modern Apprentice

Axis studios Group are looking for an enthusiastic individual to join their team in the role of administration apprenticeship The successful candidate will join their fast paced and exciting team to work alongside and learn from the other members of the axis team.  It will be a hybrid working approaching with your time split between working from home and working within our Glasgow Studio in Finnieston. You will report into the head of HR and provide general administration support to the wider business and management teams Alongside working for Axis, you will complete your training for a modern apprenticeship in digital systems applications, provided by City of Glasgow College.  The apprenticeship should take approximately 9 months to 1 year to complete and you will be awarded with an SCQF level 6 upon completion For further information and details on how to apply please see here: https://www.apprenticeships.scot/vacancy-details?refCode=146836

NHS Virtual Work Experience Programme

There is an NHS Virtual Work Experience Programme commencing on Sunday 2nd October. Students considering a career in the Allied Health Professions (AHP) are encouraged to secure their place on the programme as soon as possible. This will allow you to complete several sessions of work experience before the UCAS deadline for NHS Health Careers in January. https://alliedhealthmentor.org/product/live-virtual-work-experience-programme/ Once registered, students will be emailed links to their virtual work experience portals. Students are awarded a Work Experience Certificate for every session they complete. Those who complete the full 5 month programme will be awarded a Highly Commended Reference from the Presidents of Allied Healthcare Mentor. These are fantastic additions to your CVs and UCAS applications! This programme is suitable for students in years S3 – S6 who are interested in the following careers: – Nursing – Midwifery – Paramedicine – Physiotherapy – Occupational Therapy – Dietetics – Radiography – Prosthetics and Orthotics – Speech and Language Therapy – Pharmacy During the work experience day, students will follow 2 patients from their initial presentation to recovery. They will gain a unique insight into how patients interact with a variety of healthcare professionals and what it’s like to work in an NHS multidisciplinary team. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with healthcare professionals throughout each day. This will empower students to make an informed career decision and demonstrate their commitment to healthcare in their UCAS applications. Students can register individually at any time throughout the 5-month programme using the link below. We recommend booking early to gain as much out of this programme as possible. Places are £10 a session to cover administrative and technological costs. https://alliedhealthmentor.org/product/live-virtual-work-experience-programme/

Barclays Glasgow Campus – Apprenticeship Opportunities 2023

Barclays Glasgow Campus – Apprenticeship Opportunities 2023 Tuesday 27th September 2022 (18:00 – 20:00) A great opportunity to attend the Barclays Glasgow Campus for their Early Careers Event, where you’ll get to experience life at Barclays and an exclusive view of the current Apprentice job opportunities. Hear from their business leaders, existing colleagues and graduates about their experience of working at Barclays. Gain insight into the Diversity networks, culture and working environment. Find out more about current open vacancies and Apprenticeship vacancies. An opportunity to network with the award-winning Barclays diversity networks including Reach, WIN, WiT, Embrace and Spectrum. Have your questions answered on anything from how to apply to the way the Glasgow campus has adopted a hybrid working model. Register Spaces are limited so please register your attendance as soon as possible, using the link below: https://BarclaysApprenticeship2023.eventbrite.co.uk

Geography – Global Commons Webinar

On Wednesday 21st September, The University of Glasgow will host two online webinar sessions on Geography – Global Commons alongside The University of Sheffield and our partners, Channel Talent. The sessions directly support students’ current studies by giving an insight into particular curriculum areas whilst affording an understanding of how these subjects continue beyond Highers, A-levels, T-levels, IB, BTEC and equivalent qualifications, and how they vary between universities. The events will run from 16.15-17.15. Individual pupils can register here.

Modern Apprentice Customer Service Administrator

Speedy Freight Glasgow have an exciting opportunity for a Modern Apprentice Customer Service Administrator to provide essential support within our busy transport office. Speedy Freight are a same day courier based in Thornliebank, Glasgow and will move shortly to their new office at Greenlaw, Newton Mearns. The ideal candidate should be someone who is committed and dedicated to working hard in a busy office environment.  You will be trained on the job and gain experience to help you further develop your learning whilst working towards an SVQ 3 Business and Administration SCQF level 6 More details on how to apply for this role can be found here:

NHS GGC Get Ready for Medicine Events – October 2022

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde are hosting two events to give an insight into different aspects of a medical career and pathways into medicine 4th October: Evening lecture event (Online) 7th October: Half day work experience/workshops (in person) Please view the documents below for more information and how to book onto the sessions Get Ready for Medicine Evening Lecture 4th Oct Flyer FV Get Ready for Medicine Oct Workshop Flyer  

Junior Hairdressing Position

The Spa at the Avenue are looking to recruit a junior hairdresser to work on a Wednesday each week.  The role will involve a variety of duties from washing clients hair, providing refreshments and greeting clients when they enter the salon It is an ideal position for anyone who has an interest in hairdressing and who enjoys working with the public If you are interested, please contact the salon owner Paul on 0141 616 4000 Home – The Spa at the Avenue – Spa & Beauty Treatments in Newton Mearns, Glasgow

Civil Engineering – Graduate Apprenticeship

This is an exciting opportunity to join UWS’ BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering Graduate Apprenticeship programme starting in September 2022. During the 4 year programme, you will be employed by George Leslie Ltd., a civil engineering contractor based in Barrhead. George Leslie Ltd operate across Scotland in a variety of sectors including marine, railways, roads and bridges, and renewables. Alongside developing your professional practice in the workplace, you will study at UWS’ Paisley campus approx. one day per week gaining knowledge in core Civil Engineering subjects including structural design, geotechnical engineering, water engineering, materials and hydraulics. You will also learn how to apply the latest digital technologies in construction. You must have achieved a minimum of 4 SQA Highers at BBBC, including Maths and one Science subject. An appropriate Foundation Apprenticeship will also be considered towards meeting entry requirements. If you would like to be considered for this exciting opportunity, and you meet the above entry requirements, please submit your CV to Careers@georgeleslie.co.uk.

Entry to medicine

This event aims to cover all the key aspects of applying to Medical school, including the UCAT, personal statement and interviews, with tips and advice on how to ace these components. This event is aimed towards aspiring medics in years S5 to S6. The event is online and will be held on Saturday the 10th of September, beginning at 9AM. Below are the poster for the event as well as the Eventbrite link which the student should sign up through. More details of the event can be found on this Eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/entry-to-medicine-2022-tickets-404044647417

Fully Funded Degree’s in the Merchant Navy

Anglo-Eastern is the biggest ship management company in the world, we are committed to providing quality trained UK seafarers and are currently looking to recruit cadets (Students) for our September 2022 and January 2023 intake. The Merchant navy has three disciplines, Deck (Navigation), Engine (Marine Engineering)  and ETO (Electro technical engineering) . A amazing opportunity to study HNC/HND and degree level courses at no cost to a cadet. Along with sending cadets to Fleetwood Nautical college, City of Glasgow College, South Shields Marine School, Scottish Maritime Academy  and Shetlands university of Highlands and Islands. Please note this is not the Royal Navy. The Merchant Navy is Cargo vessels, cruise ships, Oil tankers, Ferrier, a good way to explain this is any ship that is not Grey, it is fully commercial and 97% of products found in the UK have come by Sea on a Merchant Ship PH8627 Anglo Eastern Brochure 03_03_20 UK Cadets job post (2) AEUK_Cadets_June 2022

NHS Virtual Work Experience

NHS Virtual Work Experience Programme commencing on Sunday 4th September. Students can register using the link below: https://alliedhealthmentor.org/product/live-virtual-work-experience-programme/ Once they’ve registered, students will be emailed links to their virtual work experience portals and if they complete they will receive Work Experience Certificates. This programme is suitable for students in S3, S4, S5, and S6 who are interested in the following careers: Nursing Midwifery Paramedicine Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy Dietetics Radiography Prosthetics and Orthotics Speech and Language Therapy Pharmacy

NHS Careers event

Join us on our next NHS NEXTGEN Virtual Careers Information Event on 8th of September from 4pm to 7pm. This fully interactive event will deliver live chat, live webinars and live career’s guest speakers, chairing Q&A sessions from their healthcare sector. We are also including interactive booths with downloadable career resources and for the first time we will be holding a Round Table Networking Discussion Group. Don’t miss this opportunity to get involved and you can ask questions, find out what the NHS experience is like from live professionals and get information on literally hundreds of career opportunities in healthcare- all from the comfort of your own home nextgen2.vfairs.com   NHS NEXTGEN (2) Event

Early Years / Childcare Modern Apprenticeships

Carousel Training Centre are experiencing a high volume of new opportunities within the Renfrewshire Area from Employers looking for to recruit new modern apprentice’s to join their staff team, and to undergo their Early Years Modern Apprenticeship. Here is a link to our website for anyone to apply; www.carouseltraining.com

Modern Apprentice opportunity

Business Admin Modern Apprentice opportunity with City Gate Construction based in Linwood. https://www.workeastren.co.uk/wer-985-modern-apprenitice-junior-reception-administrator WER985 Modern Apprentice Junior Receptionist Administrator

Job vacancy

Marianna’s Deli Position available at Marianna’s Deli in Newton Mearns They are looking for someone with a passion for working in the food industry. The work will initially be in the kitchen and training will be provided. Work pattern will be 5 days each week Applicants must have a good attitude Anyone who is interested please email Marianna shop@mariannascatering.com

University of Strathclyde: Engineering Scholars Programme

The Strathclyde Engineering Scholars Programme at the University of Strathclyde aims to support individuals from under-represented groups to access a University engineering education and provide them with the skills they will need for a successful career as a professional engineer. All the information about the programme can be found on our website. Attached you can also find two flyers (each with different levels of detail). The programme is open to pupils across Scotland. Those wishing to join the programme can apply using our online application form: https://forms.office.com/r/LMi1iis18k. If you have any questions, please e-mail  eng-scholars@strath.ac.uk Strathclyde Engineering Scholars Flyer – detailed Strathclyde Engineering ScholarsFlyer – brief Strathclyde Engineering ScholarsFlyer – brief  

Vacancy – Junior Insolvency Associate

Interpath is an Insolvency and Restructuring professional services firm, formerly a division of KPMG but now an independent business. They are looking to hire a junior staff member for their Glasgow city-centre office (St Vincent Street) and the hiring manager has indicated that they would be interested in hiring a school leaver and providing the training that could lead to a very good career. Please see attachment for details of the position available. Job Description – Corporate Case Closure School Leaver Please note your interest in this post by completing this form: https://forms.office.com/r/JBG5GbNPqv

Howden Engineering Apprentice Applications

Howden Engineering are looking for females who are interested in engineering to apply for their apprenticeship programme. It is a fantastic opportunity with excellent salary and 4 year apprenticeship. Any young person who is interested should get in touch with Alan Shields via:  ashields@glasgowkelvin.ac.uk They have 5 Apprenticeships this year ; 2 x Craft Apprenticeships ( fitting / machining ) 1 x Electrical Apprenticeship 1 x Maintenance Apprenticeship 1 x Technical Apprenticeship Starting age is from 16 years old ,4 year Apprenticeship to complete to SVQ Level 3 .4 year day release at college up-to HND level . Salary from £12000 to£19500 depending on age and year of Apprenticeship . 6 months Basic Training at EKGTA up-to SVQ Level 2 . Interview would be done by myself (Alan Shields) and a colleague and would involve a full tour of the factory . 2nd interview with Presentation would be needed for successful applicants . Howden Compressors Old Govan Road Renfrew PA4 8XJ   Web : www.howden.com

2 Week Virtual Careers Festival w/c 27th June

Speakers for Schools are delighted to present 20 employers, who are ready to host interactive sessions across multiple industries, including Amazon, Sir Robert McAlpine, Amey, National Horseracing College, AHR Architects, Northern Power Grid and more. Please see the flier attached for the timetable of daily sessions, held 10am to 2pm. (Live links to all sessions are included) Our Festival runs for a fortnight, starting on 27th June and it’s perfect for the run down to the Summer Break, giving young people access to exciting, popular and inspiring sectors to wrap up their academic year. Young people can register directly through their accounts individually on the Speakers for Schools Portal or for a group booking, complete this quick form here: SYVCF Booking Form SYVCF Timetable of Events Applications for the 1st week of the Festival close on 22nd June and on the 27th for 2nd week.

Tech, law, fashion and more…….

Speakers for Schools Proudly Presents Summer Fest ’22 (1) (1) THE LAW SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND On 21st June, The Law Society of Scotland are hosting an insight day, which is a great chance to spend the day finding out more about the Scottish Legal Sector, for ages 14 to 19. The closing date for applications is Tuesday 14th June, next week. https://www.speakersforschools.org/youth_opportunities/law-society-of-scotland-insight-day/ TETRA TECH International Women in Engineering Day 23rd June : For ages 14 to 19, join some of the Senior Female Leaders at Tetra Tech at 1:30pm for a Discovery Workshop lasting 1 hour, hearing about their successes, experiences and advice on what they would tell their younger selves. The closing date for applications is Thursday 16th June, next week. https://www.speakersforschools.org/discovery-workshop/international-women-in-engineering-day-what-advice-would-i-tell-my-younger-self-tetra-tech/ CAREERS IN SUSTAINABLE FASHION Join this 60 minute workshop and learn more about how Responsible are partnering with some of the world’s coolest brands globally including Carhartt, Stussy and The North Face, working to refurbish and re-purpose the best streetwear so that we can all get more use out of the clothes we love. This workshop is at 2pm on 20th June for ages 11 to 15 and will provide an excellent opportunity for young people to learn more about their sustainable business, meet the Responsible team and explore the subjects, qualifications and skills needed to pursue a career in sustainable fashion and retail. The closing date for applications is Wednesday 15th June, next week. https://www.speakersforschools.org/discovery-workshop/exploring-careers-in-sustainable-fashion-responsible/ CODING WITH KAINOS We’re delighted to offer young people from across the UK, aged 14 to 19 a virtual insight into what it’s like to work in IT. Over 3 days, 21st to 23rd June (10am – 3pm) experience a taste of everything at Kainos and get hands-on experience of web development and coding. This opportunity will help to grow IT skills, teach more about world-changing projects, and there’s a demo of some of the cutting-edge technologies. Applications close on Tuesday 14th  June, next week. https://www.speakersforschools.org/youth_opportunities/an-opportunity-to-unleash-your-coding-hero-with-kainos-10am-3pm/ AXA: EXPLORE THE WORLD OF FINANCE This Insight Day on 23rd June, for ages 14 to 19 provides an exciting opportunity to take a look inside a global company and explore the many career opportunities available. As well as networking with AXA employees, gain a better understanding of existing skills and how to develop them further. On offer is: an insight into what it is like to work for a large corporation, speak directly with AXA employees (including business leaders!) Interactive sessions focusing on developing key employability skills and Learn about the huge variety of job roles within AXA UK Closing date for applications is Friday 17th June, next week https://www.speakersforschools.org/youth_opportunities/exploring-the-world-of-financial-services-insight-day/ SIEMENS ENERGY A two day Virtual Work Experience for ages 14 to 19 on 28th and 29th June 10am to 2pm will give insight into Women in Engineering, Career Progression,…

Engineering at Strathclyde – Opportunities Available

For the attention of any students who may be interested in studying in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Strathclyde in 2022-2023. At this stage in the admissions cycle, we consider applications on a case-by-case basis where places remain available.  Contact details are noted at the end of the message for students to get in touch.  Our courses can be found at this link, but we have highlighted two of our programmes for your information to illustrate the diverse range of opportunities we offer. BSc Hons Prosthetics and Orthotics may be of interest to students who are considering a career in allied health professions. We are one of two universities in the UK offering this programme, where students learn to improve peoples’ ability to move freely, using science and technology to create and fit artificial limb replacements and aids. Standard Entry Requirements: AAAB or AABBB (including Maths and Physics) Minimum Entry Requirements: AABB (including Maths and Physics or Engineering Science) Admissions Code: B984 Students can enquire for more information through eng-admissions@strath.ac.uk   The Engineering Academy at Strathclyde is a partnership between the University, colleges and industry, giving students an alternative route via an enhanced HNC into Year 2 of an engineering degree here at the University. Standard Entry Requirements: BBBC (including Maths and Physics/Engineering Science at B) Minimum Entry Requirements: BBCC (including Maths and Physics/Engineering Science at B) Admissions Code: 0RBT Students can enquire for more information through engineering-academy@strath.ac.uk Should students have queries around other programmes that may be available now or in the future, we very much welcome enquiries to eng-admissions@strath.ac.uk where we can offer guidance tailored to each student.

UCAT bursary applications

UCAT bursary applications are now open for S5 students. This bursary allows eligible students to sit the UCAT exam for free. S5 students can apply below: https://www.ucat.ac.uk/bursary-application/ To be eligible, students need to meet one of the following criteria: – Free School Meals – 16 to 19 Bursary (England), or EMA (Scotland, Wales or NI) – HE Student Finance means-tested maintenance award. – Universal Credit – Working or Child Tax Credit – Income Support, or Job Seeker’s Allowance (JSA), or – Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) – Asylum Support Full criteria can be found here: https://www.ucat.ac.uk/register/bursary-scheme/

University of Glasgow Open Days

Open Days 2022: We are delighted to announce that we can now confirm our 2022 in-person Open Day dates.  We are looking forward to welcoming back prospective students, parents/family and teachers back to visit our beautiful campus! The schedule is still being finalised but we expect these dates to include all of our subject areas, and a wide selection of student support and student life stands, talks and tours. We hope to see you there! The UofG 2022 undergraduate Open Day dates: Thursday 16 June Wednesday 31 August Saturday 22 October   Registration is required for our Open Days, students can find more information and register their interest to attend here: www.glasgow.ac.uk/visitus/opendays ________________________________ Offer Holder/Prospective Student Enquiries Following our last update on our new admissions live chat function we are pleased to say this has continued to go well, and we have extended the hours we offer this service. Our admissions live chat is available at 9am-3pm weekdays and our phoneline, 0141 330 4515, is available at 9am-1pm weekdays, excluding holidays. Students can find our enquiry webform, live chat and chatbot (available anytime) here: www.glasgow.ac.uk/study/enquire We would encourage all students/offer holders who wish to ask us a question to get in touch with us via one of these routes so we can help them as efficiently as possible. Please note: Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine and performance (BMus) Music admissions have separate email address for questions relating to admissions in those areas, you will find their contact emails here: www.glasgow.ac.uk/undergraduate/teachers/admissionswideningparticipation ________________________________

Virtual Work Experience

EDT are delighted to offer S3-S6 students free access to their Virtual Work Experience (WEX) course, based around the topics of Net Zero and STEM careers. They’ve partnered with Viridor and Leidos to create an accredited, interactive, virtual WEX. Working independently through the engaging activities at home or in school, students will be awarded an Industrial Cadets Bronze award on completion of this curriculum enhancing course. The activities are timetabled over the course of 3 days, commencing Wednesday 8th June with a live launch followed by a mix of independent study, live webinars, Q&As and fun activities, all based around achieving carbon neutral status, STEM careers and skills. Participants then have a further week available to complete all the activities at their own pace. All activities can be accessed through their easy-to-use online learning management system, TalentLMS.

Santander Vacancies

Positions available with Santander.  Please see the attached PDFs and the website for more details. https://www.santander.com/en/careers/uk-careers Santander Customer experience Advisor 1 Santander Customer Experience Consultant P2 Vacancies currently in Branch   Hours/FTE Position Branch 35hrs csa Carlisle 35hrs pb Stirling 35 hrs csa Glasgow Rutherglen 35hrs p1 Glasgow Rutherglen 35 hrs P1 Glasgow Rutherglen 0.8fte p1 Glasgow Mearns Cross 35hrs p1 Glasgow Byres Road 35hrs p1 Carlisle 35hrs p1 Glasgow Argyle Street 35hrs p1 Glasgow Argyle Street

Free Get into Dentistry Conference

Dental Mentor is running a FREE, live, virtual Get into Dentistry Conference on: Sunday 29th May 2pm – 5:30pm. Just in time for UCAS Season, this conference will guide students through everything they need to do to make their application to Dentistry stand out. This includes: – Application timelines – UCAS and CV Building – Awards and Scholarships – Getting Dentistry Work Experience – Dental Leadership Programmes – Personal Statements – Dentistry School Interviews I’ll also be joined by a recently successful applicant to Dentistry who will share their insight into what it takes to get accepted. Attendees who stay for the entire conference will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance: a fantastic addition to their UCAS Application! Students can register for the free virtual Get into Dentistry Conference on Sunday 29th May using the link below: https://airtable.com/shr7JL0vaCAzEYUo1 Please note that one booking = one booking for a student and their parent/guardian. Cameras need to be switched on and a parent/guardian must stay with the student for the duration of the conference for safeguarding purposes. The Get into Dentistry Conference will be very useful to them too! All Dentists at the free virtual Get into Dentistry Conference will be taking any questions students or parents have about the application process or what it means to study Dentistry and work as a Dentist.