A P4 Trip to the Science Centre!

On Wednesday Primary 4 had a FANTASTIC time visiting the Science Centre.  We spent the day travelling around all of the exciting challenges and experiments that the centre had to offer.
Some of our favourite parts were:

Building our very own Battery operated cars and racing them against each other to see whose could go the fastest.  We had to use recycled materials, pasta, hot glue and a TURBO wheel to create a vehicle that worked with the wind to go as fast as possible.

We also got to see how different effects were used to make things appear to be very different and unusual. Like heads sitting on tables, and rooms where some of us were giants – and some of us became tiny!

Another fun test was when we went inside the WIND GENERATOR and were blown away by different gale force winds! For some of us this was a real favourite.

All in all, we all agreed it was an absolutely superb trip – and one that we wouldn’t mind going on all over again!

Cluster Reading Challenge – Afternoon Tea

Sometimes, reading a book is all about sitting back and relaxing with some biscuits and juice.  Last Friday we all met up during lunch and had a mid-day feast using cups and plates borrowed from the Canteen.  Some of us read using kindles, and some with their hard cover books – but EVERYONE agreed that this was an idea that we’d like to give a go again!




Cluster Reading Challenge – An OLM Reading TOUR!

Each week we have met and learned more the different books and authors that are out there for us to read!

On our Yammer page – we saw some children from our Cluster school’s creating pictures in their school library.  This gave us the idea to go and visit OUR school library and read our books there.

On our way, we popped in to our Reading Cafe and had a go at creating insane and funny stories using the Puppet Show stage we found there.  We made the story up as we went along – and the characters too. It was a lot of fun, and pretty hard to stop laughing… especially when giant chickens suddenly appeared on the scene!

Then we stopped off at OLM’s ‘First Minister’s Reading Challenge’ wall. When we got there we noticed some cool David Walliams story outfits and decided it’d be fun to come back and maybe try them on later!

Finally, we arrived at the library! It was time to settle in for some quiet reading… with a few top trump challenges thrown in for the competitive ones.

All in all – it was quite the Reading Journey. We’ve decided that in future we’ll maybe go to a different place each time!

Fun in the Sun – A Sacramental Celebration!

Many of our Primary 4 pupils were blessed to celebrate their Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion this year.  We spent a fantastic afternoon having ‘Fun in the Sun’, celebrating these occasions together.

Many thanks to the PSA who provided delicious cake and Capri-suns for all our pupils.  The church services in Holy Name, St Vincent’s and St Joseph’s were very special and memorable for all involved!

Cluster Reading Challenge Continued!

We have now met twice, and the OLM Cluster Reading Challenge Group are beginning to come up with some fantastic ways of sharing ideas and stories with other children in the school.

We also had a laugh using the Cluster Reading Challenge Yammer Page.  We were talking to children from different schools and deciding what gifs and messages we wanted to send.  The dancing bear was probably our favourite – great job Ryan.  We also decided that we prefer using kindles to read books just now – so we are downloading even more books onto our kindles, and will take turns bringing them home!

We also managed to win a few more Top Trump Cards! Orla and Grace ended up being champions and winning most of them of of us all again. Next week we are going to take out even MORE cards and start some big battles and challenges… we can’t wait to open up the ‘Minions’ set!




Cluster Reading Challenge!

A number of our Primary 4 children are taking part in our Cluster Reading Challenge.   As part of the challenge we get to take part in lots of fun reading activities.  We will be:

  • Using the kindles at school and at home.
  •  Meeting up during lunch times to talk about the books we’ve discovered
  • Connecting with other children across the cluster who are ALSO doing the challenge…

…and lots more!


Today we went to Waterstones with book vouchers and we got to choose a book of our very own.   We bought Football Books, Billionare Boy Books, Wimpy KID Books… everyone got something different.

It was also great bumping into St Cadoc’s and meeting some of the children in their school who are ALSO doing the challenge.  So far we’ve really enjoyed taking part – and we’re looking forward to see what will come next!

Come Visit Glasgow!

Primary 4a have really loved our local area topic! We have been researching and learning about the places we come from, and about different features of our home towns.  Last week we used the internet and the chrome Books to research 4 key places and today we are creating a leaflet inviting people to come visit.

We have created leaflets inviting people to come visit; Glasgow, Clarkston, Giffnock, Netherlee AND Thornliebank!
It’s a lot of fun getting to decide how exactly you are going to lay your leaflet out, and choosing what pictures you want to add in.   One day – we might get these made and photocopied professionally.  This will help people learn more about all the amazing places that exist so close to where they live.

World Book Day Celebrations with Primary 4!

Primary 4 had a fantastic time today celebrating World Book Day.   We listened to Author’s Live, created Character Profiles, and got the chance to share about some of our favourite books and stories!

Lots of us came to school dressed as book characters from different stories we have read – can you recognize any of our characters??


A Trip to OLM’s Library


Primary 4a really loved getting to visit our new school library.  Lots of parents and friends have helped us to make this a really special and cosy place to go and read.

First of all we explored, and everyone chose a new book to read in class and at home.

Then we put on some quiet music, settled down – and spent some time travelling to lots of different worlds.  We can’t wait till our next visit!


Magnificent Music!

P4a have been learning a lot during our music lessons. With Mrs Lyall we have been connecting our rhythms together to create pieces of music.  We identify the time signatures and number of beats in the bar as we go.

In class, we also listened to an amazing song called ‘Up is Down’ by a composer called Hans Zimmer.  It was based on a film about pirates and being out in the ocean.   First of all, we listened and tried to identify all of the different instruments that took turns playing the melody.

Next, we were each given a section of a picture of a pirate ship – and tried to draw the melody we could hear.  The end result was amazing – we are very proud of our Class Pirate Picture!

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