Week beginning 18th February 2019

Parent Partnership Film Afternoon

This week we were treated to a Film afternoon. We watched the Highway Rat and enjoyed juice and popcorn. We are really grateful to all the parents who organised this event. Thank you.

World Thinking Day

The 22nd February marks World Thinking day. Many of our pupils wore their Rainbow and Beavers clothing today. The pupils talked enthusiastically about the activities they take part in.  Rainbows starts at age 5 and Beavers can join from age 6 – perfect for Primary 2.

Reading Challenge

Jakson, Ciaran and Eva have been participating in reading challenge this week. They had to read aloud to 20 people. They have been reading to P2 and P7 pupils and in the wider community. They went to the Foundry on Wednesday and on Thursday to Arthurlie Family Centre where they read to the nursery children.  A super example of three Successful Learners and Confident Individuals.

Music with Mrs Duggie

Mrs Duggie was in teaching us about rhythm this week. We can’t wait to share our new songs and games with families next Thursday.

The P2B family session with Mrs Duggie will be happening in our classroom on Thursday 28th February at 2pm.  As this is a family event we would encourage you to come along as there will be great fun and games for all ages.

Coffee and Chat

Remember the coffee and chat is this coming Tuesday afternoon 26th, this is an informal opportunity to come along and here about plans in P2.  A brief update will be added to the blog after for those interested but unable to attend.

Egg Cartons

Primary 2 are looking for cardboard egg cartoons, if you have any please send them in. Thanks.



Christmas Party

Christmas Party

Today was our Christmas Party. The pupils all had a great time showing of their dance moves, playing corners and enjoying the treats. The treats were provided by the Parent Partnership group, a very big thank you to them.

As we come to the end of 2018 and our first term, I want to say a big thank you to all the parents and families who have supported our class. Thank you for all your lovely cards and gifts that you’ve given to me this week.

I hope you all have a lovely winter break with lots of family fun.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Miss Mckay

See you in 2019!

Christmas Fayre

A big thank you to the Parent Partnership group for organising another fantastic school fayre. Primary 2 were very impressed that you were able to get such an important visitor during a very busy month.

As always the Fayre was well attended with our school families, thank you so much to all who attended.

Week Beginning 19th November 2018

Primary 2 have had a busy week. We were given our Sumdog passwords so we could take part in the East Renfrewshire Contest.  Sumdog can be accessed at home as well as school and focuses on numeracy skills.

We have also started learning our lines for the nativity and have been practising these.

Sticking with the maths theme, parents and pupils had the opportunity to attend our Pizza Maths night. This was the first time the event was aimed at P2-P4 pupils and we had an excellent turnout. This was an opportunity to parents to find out about the strategies we use for Numeracy. Thank you to the staff from St. Luke’s for leading this.

On Tuesday we held our first P2 showcase, this was an opportunity for pupils to share their learning with their family.  As this was our first event we took this as an opportunity to focus on the everyday experiences we complete to develop our Numeracy and Literacy.  Thank you so much to all our families who were able to attend.




Week beginning 1st October 2018

Parent Partnership Evening – 2nd October

On Tuesday night some of us came back to school with our mums and dads for an evening of fun and games organised by the Parent Partnership Group. We played ‘Halloween’ games and even dressed up in Halloween costumes. We also made some Halloween crafts.

National Poetry Day – 4th October

We played rhyming games and wrote our own rhyming poems.

Autumn Film Show – 5th October

We attended the Autumn Film show organised by our Parent Partnership. We watched “The Stickman” and we’re treated to popcorn and juice . We all had a great time. Thank you to our Parent Partnership for giving up their time to organise this event. x

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