Maths Homework

Hi everyone,

I am aware that some people were struggling to access some of the activities on Education City due to them not being tablet friendly. I have now fixed this so that all activities are tablet friendly so everyone should be able to continue completing these activities. All pupils should be completing one of their assigned activities each week, please let me know if anyone is having difficulties with this 🙂


Maths Week Scotland

This week is Maths Week Scotland and as such we are taking part in lots of maths-based activities! Part of these activities include taking part in a national contest on For homework this week I have asked pupils to log in to Sumdog as much as possible to try and get our class high up on the leaderboard. Everyone has written their log in details into their homework jitters but if there are any problems please let me know!

Happy calculating!

Education City Homework

I am aware that there have been some issues with accessing Education city at home. All children now have their log-ins glued into their homework jotters so it should be easier to go to and get logged in using those details.

I have assigned a number of tasks to each pupil but I only want them to complete one task a week. The tasks are set up so that the pupils need to complete the task with a certain percentage of accuracy before being able to move on to the next one, so if they don’t quite make it one night they can try again the next night. If your child is struggling with an activity please let them know that I just want them to try their best and I will be changing the first activity every week so it is okay as long as they have tried.

We’ve been doing really well with the written spelling homework of practicing each word and then writing three sentences so I’m looking forward to the pupils doing just as well with their maths tasks.

If there are any continuing issues please let me know!

P3 Term One Homework

This term we will follow last terms outline for homework. There will be 3 tasks per week in addition to any Whole School Homework. This will be outlined on the P3 class blog.


Task 1 – Reading – Practise word wall (learning common words or practising spelling if you feel your child is confident in reading these) and complete 10 minutes of reading.

Task 2 – Spelling – Practice all 6 of your spelling words throughout the week using any of the strategies that your child knows e.g. spelling pyramid, rainbow writing, curly/bubble writing, cover write check etc. Pupils should also pick three words and write sentences including these words. These tasks can be carried out any night of the week ready to be handed in on Friday, or earlier if complete.

Task 3 – Numeracy – complete tasks assigned on Education City.


Pupils will write their words and task reminders in their homework jotters each week and these are to be signed off by an adult once completed.

Should you have any difficulty accessing Education City or need clarity for any of the tasks feel free to get in touch.

Week Beginning 7th January 2019

Welcome back  to Term 2! I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable winter break.  Check out what we will be doing this term on the P2B information page.

This week we are working on getting back into routine at school.  A new homework jotter was handed out with a new homework overview and pupils logins for Education City and Sumdog.

Pupils also have a planning sheet to talk to their families about our topics this term: Weather, Farming and Fairtrade!  When planning a topic, pupils share their knowledge and ideas to ensure we provide learning opportunities which target their interests. By discussing these at home first we will be able to have a really engaging discussion in class.

Pupils Leading Learning planning sheet

We will continue to have PE on a Wednesday and Friday and I would encourage pupils to bring their kits back in as soon as possible. Remember we love PE and don’t like to miss it, so even if it’s wet or cold we try to get outside. Therefore it’s important to have suitable outdoor clothing for PE in the MUGA on a Friday.

St. Luke’s Sports Leaders will be working with Primary 2B on Monday 14th, 21st and the 28th January. 

This week we also started working on Fractions and Money.

For Golden time this week, pupils could

  • play Science Games about living and non living things on Education City
  • make and decorate crowns to mark Epiphany (6th January 2019)

Term 2 Homework

P2b Homework – January to March

Pupils should complete their homework each night and hand it in the following morning. It should be signed by an adult.

Homework should take around 20 minutes each night. If you have any questions, please get in touch.


  • Spelling – write words out three times then write 2 sentences.
  • Reading – Practise word wall



  • Spelling – write words out three times then write 2 sentences.
  • Reading – Practise word wall



Whole School Homework

In addition to Literacy and Numeracy Homework there will be opportunities throughout the term to take part in the Whole School Homework.  This homework will relate to National, Local and School events such as First Ministers Reading Challenge and Fairtrade Fortnight.


Week Beginning 26th November 2018

Outdoor Learning Homework

This week the whole school has been given Outdoor Learning homework.  Pupils were provided a paper copy of the sheet below. Pupils have been encouraged to try one or two activities. If you would like additional homework, pupils could practise their numeracy skills on Sumdog or access for a variety of educational games.

Outdoor Learning Challenge

Here are just some of the things P2b got up to:

Amelia “My daddy and I did Star gazing, I think we saw a shooting star”.

Ioan “I was planting seeds with my parents”.

Lachlan “I drew a picture of a flower”.

Jakson “I have been looking at the stars and finding out about the planets”

Sophia “I was drawing little daisies”.

Victoria “I did shadow shapes, I made different shapes using things from around your house”.

Isla made a map of the streets near our school and made rock animals.


Additionally Primary 2 are encouraged to practise their lines and songs for the Nativity, Hoity Toity Angel. Tickets also went on sale on Thursday 29th, available through parent pay.

P2B Enterprise

Primary 2 have designed their own christmas baubles and will be selling them tomorrow £1 at the Christmas Fayre.  We will be there at 1:30pm.

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