Week Beginning 21st January 2019

Whole School Homework – First Minister’s Reading Challenge

This week the whole school homework focuses on the First Minister’s Reading Challenge. The blue booklets were handed out in Aug/Sept and should be updated regularly. This week they will go home to be updated with any recent books completed.  These books should be returned to school by Friday.

There is also some suggestions of way to engage your child in reading out side of school. 





Read, Write, Count Primary 2 bags

In November Primary 2 visited the Foundry, where they received yellow bags with 3 reading books, numeracy games and a note pad.

Please let us know what you thought by filling out the Parent survey: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PXCWGJ2

The prize draw for parents is a personal Read Write Count GOODIE BAG filled with books, games and activities for all the family to enjoy.

The deadline to complete this is Monday 4 March 2019.


In the atrium this week we provided opportunities to explore natural resources as well as using sand, water and construction materials. Over the next few weeks we hope to rebuild our loose part materials collection. We will be looking for all sorts so look out for a letter for Mrs Carwood.

Physical Education 

As we progress through our gymnastics focus in PE we have been working on rolls.  This week we have been working on different rolls including forward rolls.

Week beginning 3rd December

This week will be looking at our First Minister’s Reading challenge.


Homework this week is a talking and listening task to be returned for Friday. Additionally pupils have reading books.

After school opportunities

The Foundry will also be holding a Winter Reading Challenge, if you get involved with this or any other after school activities, let Miss Mckay know so she can update our Achievements page!


We will also start rehearsing on the stage, so please keep practising your lines at home.

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