Week ending 28/02

Another busy week in P3b!

This week has been Read Aloud Week and we have been trying to get caught reading and have had great success!

The squares enjoyed using concrete materials to investigate the link between multiplication  and division and we’re able to produce fact families for various different problems.


We have also had some great discussions about the Amazon rainforest and specifically some tribes that can be found there and the effects of deforestation. Finally, the pupils have had a great start to lent, bringing more positivity into the class with our shout out wall, and keeping up with their Lenten promises.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

Happy Shrove Tuesday!

This morning in Primary 3b we were learning about the origins of shrove Tuesday and discussing the importance of Lent in the liturgical calendar.

As part of this learning we all wrote our Lenten promises which include something we will sacrifice for 40 days, and something that we are going to try and do in order to help other people during lent. We added these promises to a tree placed on our sacred space so that we can refer to the, throughout lent and check on our progress.

The pupils then enjoyed having a pancake with some fair trade fruit as it is also fair trade fortnight!

Tomorrow we will also be attending Ash Wednesday Mass in school.

Week ending 21.02.20

We have had another busy week in Primary 3b this week! I want ot say congratulations and thank you to all of the boys and girls that worked so hard in the preparations and completion of their standardised tests this week, they have done themselves and all of us proud!

We have also been enjoying using different strategies to practice spelling:

The pupils loved seeing some of their artwork and quotes about the rainforest being displayed on our rainforest wall:

This week has been internet safety week and we had some great discussions around how to stay safe on devices and on some of the popular apps especially. The pupils are already so knowledgable about how to keep themselves safe! We enjoyed putting our knowledge to practice while playing some internet safety games on the chromebooks:

As you can imagine we have had a lot of indoor plays this week! The pupils loved exploring these building blocks and using their imagination to create some fantastic structures:

Finally, the boys and girls loved getting involved in a Tae Kwon-Do taster session this afternoon where they all got to practice some moves taught by a world champion! They have been sent home with leaflets with more information on a club that they can join if they wish:

It’s been a busy week so I hope you all have a relaxing weekend!

Make it hAPPen

Hello! Last week the pupils in P3b heard from some people that would like them to help to design a new educational app. This can be for any subject or task but must help pupils in some way with their learning. Pupils were given out a sheet which includes some helpful links and a space to explain their app designs. These designs are due in this week if the pupils would like to be entered into the competition for a chance to have their app made and win an iPad!

We have received some great design ideas already but would love to see more of the class submitting their apps soon 🙂



Week ending 06/02/2020

This has been a busy short week for us in Primary 3b!

We started learning some new active spelling techniques on Monday and have began keeping maths journals to help with our mental maths strategies.

The pupils also loved choosing a rainforest animal to draw for our rainforest topic wall. The pupils chose pictures to use as inspiration and they zoomed right in so that they could draw line by line and the results were amazing! I will get pictures up once the animals have been added to the rainforest display.

Pupils also enjoyed learning about the Make it HAPPen competition that is taking place in the school. We will be designing our own apps which can be used in school or at home to aid learning, and the pupils are very excited and have great ideas already!

I hope you all have a great long weekend and come back on Thursday refreshed and ready to work as hard as always 🙂

Rabbie Burns’ Day

Happy Burns’ day!

To celebrate the famous Scottish bard this week we have been learning more about him, some of his most famous works, and about the Scots language in general. The pupils have been enjoying learning a Scots language poem to perform at our assembly on Friday.

P3b also enjoyed learning he Scots names for some body parts and played Simon says:

“Heid!” “Lugs!” “Oxters!”






The pupils also enjoyed designing their own kilts and labelling their drawings with the Scots names:


Finally, we had a lot of fun learning the Canadian Barn dance and trying it out in class on Friday afternoon!

The end of term one!

Well here we are at the end of term one! Well done to everyone in P3b for all of their hard work over this term.

We have been working hard in the last few weeks, here are some pictures of what we have been doing.

The boys and girls enjoying learning coding to help the elf to find the presents.

Here are the children turning themselves into different steps in a food chain.

And now, the boys and girls are excited for their party this afternoon! Merry Christmas everyone, we will see you in the New Year 😄


Merry Christmas!

For this week there will be no normal homework, instead why don’t you have a go at completing some of these fun Christmas tasks? Try to do 4 in a row over the week and we can talk about what you managed to do on Friday 🙂

Christmas Fayre

Thank you all so much for making our Christmas Fabre such a success!

For anyone that purchased a Christmas plate, make sure to bake your plate at 180 degrees for 35minutes before use.


Week ending 22.11.19

We’ve had a busy week in P3b!

We have been enjoying lots of reading opportunities to celebrate book week. We enjoyed reading The Gruffalo In Scots and then watching the author talk about the book during a live author stream. We also loved getting our read write count bags today and reading one of the books from that together.

Last week we loved making some Roman shields and today we had an amazing time trying out some Roman army shield configurations and then playing with our own techniques.


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