This week in Primary 3b we have been learning about data handling across the whole week and across the curriculum.
Pupils started the week by learning about tally marks and working in groups to gather opinions from the class about different topics surrounding our topic, the Rainforest. One group investigated what the classes favourite later of the rainforest is, one asked what the favourite animals were, one asked about favourite tribes, and one asked what the class thought was the worst effect of deforestation.

On Tuesday we investigated how to turn this data into block graphs. Firstly, we used cubes to visualise the data using concrete materials.

We then worked in smaller groups to draw our final block graphs.

We enjoyed answering questions based on our own data and then today the pupils loved going outside and gathering data based on their own criteria. For example, some pupils investigated which form of litter is dropped most, some investigated how many of each colour can be seen in the playground, and some found out how many modes of transport they could see.

Pupils learned how to create their own tables to present the data they collected.

Everyone worked really hard to learn about this new concept and loved adding relevant context.
We were also happy to get our free books from World Book Day today and loved beginning to read them. Some pupils were also happy to notice that the books were made while being safe for the rainforest!

Enjoy reading your books and have a great weekend everyone!