Primary 2 have been creating their own cities and stories. Pupils then used iPads to create their own stop motion films. Here are just a few, some contain sound.
In St Luke’s Cluster we nurture every child’s unique God given talents to enable them to flourish in a climate of high expectations, innovation and creativity.
Primary 2 have been creating their own cities and stories. Pupils then used iPads to create their own stop motion films. Here are just a few, some contain sound.
We are looking forward to sharing our Hoity Toity Angel Nativity with you on Thursday, in the meantime keep practising those lines and songs at home.
On Wednesday we had our dress Rehearsal in front of the whole school. The pupils were amazing. As you can see in the picture below, we were all feeling great after the show.
This week the homework focus is French. All pupils have been given their Education City logins which they can use to access the website below. We have played these games in class so all pupils should be confident in accessing these although they will not be familiar with logging in, as this is happens automatically through the Chromebooks.
Primary 2 enjoyed their chance to be the audience this week at the Eastwood Theatre. The money we raised selling our Christmas Baubles paid for a snack and drink.
Primary 2 have had a busy week. We were given our Sumdog passwords so we could take part in the East Renfrewshire Contest. Sumdog can be accessed at home as well as school and focuses on numeracy skills.
We have also started learning our lines for the nativity and have been practising these.
Sticking with the maths theme, parents and pupils had the opportunity to attend our Pizza Maths night. This was the first time the event was aimed at P2-P4 pupils and we had an excellent turnout. This was an opportunity to parents to find out about the strategies we use for Numeracy. Thank you to the staff from St. Luke’s for leading this.
On Tuesday we held our first P2 showcase, this was an opportunity for pupils to share their learning with their family. As this was our first event we took this as an opportunity to focus on the everyday experiences we complete to develop our Numeracy and Literacy. Thank you so much to all our families who were able to attend.
Over the next 3 weeks the homework will focus on a variety of curricular areas.
Please click the link below for more information.
P2 Homework Activities October
My Family
We have been looking at toys from the past. Last week we looked at toys which we still play with which our grandparents might have also played with. On Monday we designed and made kites. We tested them outside as it was a windy day, perfect for flying a kite!
Hail Mary
Primary 2 have been learning the Hail Mary this month to mark October. October is traditionally the month of the Rosary. Pupils wrote their own personal copy of the Hail Mary and took these home to practise.