Our first week in Primary 3b!

Primary 3b have been working so hard in our first week back in school. We have been busy bees making our class charter centred around our human rights, making some helpful displays for our walls, and helping Miss Jeffrey settle into St Mark’s Primary School!

P.S. Congratulations to our first star pupil who has been displaying great commitment to being ready quickly throughout the day and beautifully waiting to say her prayers.

Week beginning 14th January 2019

This week we started our block with St. Luke’s Sports Leaders.

Whole School Homework

This week’s optional whole school homework is a creative competition. If you are interested in taking part see the link below.

Creative Competition Flyer 2019

The competition is part of the Show Racism the Red Card campaign and encourages all participants to demonstrate an anti-racism message.  If you would like to take part and require any art materials please let Miss McKay know. The school will submit the entries together and therefore they should be returned by Friday.

Living Things

Pupils have been identifying living things and sprting these into catergories of their own choice. We used our ABC of talk to discuss our ideas. Animals we find in school provided a particularly interesting debate, thankfully we were all in agreement we don’t see sharks in the playground!

John the Baptist

We were delighted to be visited by Margaret Mary on Monday. She shared the bible story of Jesus’s baptism and talked with us about John the Baptist.

Week beginning 24th Sept 2018

This week we started our new topic ‘My Family’. This topic will explore the past and present. Pupils will compare their own life’s with the childhood of their grandparents. Over the next few weeks we will be looking at how school, toys, hobbies and other things have changed.

Also this week we have been working on recognising tens and units. This is a really good skill to master as we work with larger numbers.  We used concrete materials to visualise the numbers.

On Wednesday we celebrated European Languages day, Mrs Dziobek spoke to Primary 2b and shared how to say Hello in Polish.

Finally on Friday afternoon we had great fun taking part in our chosen activities. This week’s activities included:

  • using the chromebooks
  • creating a collage
  • making playdough

Another super week in Primary 2b.

Week beginning 17th Sept 2018

This week we have been working on counting in 2’s. We used different materials to make  groups of 2.

Also this week we worked with Mrs Nelson to discuss her work on developing the playground. We walked around the playground and discussed things that we would like. We drew our own designs of the playground including balancing ropes, climbing frames, a climbing wall and even a zip wire! Finally we wrote letters to Mrs Nelson sharing our ideas and opinions. We can’t wait to see how the playground will be developed over the next year.





Maths Week

This week marks the national celebration of Maths. During the week we have been working on recognising our left and right.
We have been using pom poms to help us with our number bonds.
We listened to a story about a caterpillar who gave away his many pairs of shoes.  We counted the number of shoes he gave away to each insect and then wrote a story retelling his kind act.
Finally on Friday we had a really exciting House afternoon. We worked in teams with friends and family from other classes to problem solve. We had to read clues very carefully and explore the school to find the answers.  We loved the opportunity to work with our brothers and sisters and would like to do this more often.

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