Please see below a letter from Father Joe at St John’s Church to all pupils and families of St Mark’s.
Week beginning 15th April 2019
Welcome Back to Term 3
Homework was handed out today. After discussing topics pupils would like to explore, Primary 2b choose to the topics of Cities. The next step is to gather children’s ideas and questions for this topic.
Holy Week
As we prepare to celebrate Easter, pupils will be hearing bible stories each day which you may wish to discuss at home.
Palm Sunday
The Last Supper
The Crucifixion
Jesus has Risen
Fairtrade Competition
Mr Mariner and his colleagues at the Coop thought that all the children of Primary 2 did so well in the Fairtrade chocolate wrapper competition that they gave all the children a runner up prize of a chocolate egg. Thank you very much Mr Mariner!
Easter Bonnet Parade 29th March
Well done Primary 2 you all made fabulous bonnets. Every child had to mix their own colours, paint on their own design and add any additional details themselves.
Lenten Mass with the Bishop John
Week beginning 14th January 2019
This week we started our block with St. Luke’s Sports Leaders.
Whole School Homework
This week’s optional whole school homework is a creative competition. If you are interested in taking part see the link below.
Creative Competition Flyer 2019
The competition is part of the Show Racism the Red Card campaign and encourages all participants to demonstrate an anti-racism message. If you would like to take part and require any art materials please let Miss McKay know. The school will submit the entries together and therefore they should be returned by Friday.
Living Things
Pupils have been identifying living things and sprting these into catergories of their own choice. We used our ABC of talk to discuss our ideas. Animals we find in school provided a particularly interesting debate, thankfully we were all in agreement we don’t see sharks in the playground!
John the Baptist
We were delighted to be visited by Margaret Mary on Monday. She shared the bible story of Jesus’s baptism and talked with us about John the Baptist.
Week Beginning 7th January 2019
Welcome back to Term 2! I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable winter break. Check out what we will be doing this term on the P2B information page.
This week we are working on getting back into routine at school. A new homework jotter was handed out with a new homework overview and pupils logins for Education City and Sumdog.
Pupils also have a planning sheet to talk to their families about our topics this term: Weather, Farming and Fairtrade! When planning a topic, pupils share their knowledge and ideas to ensure we provide learning opportunities which target their interests. By discussing these at home first we will be able to have a really engaging discussion in class.
Pupils Leading Learning planning sheet
We will continue to have PE on a Wednesday and Friday and I would encourage pupils to bring their kits back in as soon as possible. Remember we love PE and don’t like to miss it, so even if it’s wet or cold we try to get outside. Therefore it’s important to have suitable outdoor clothing for PE in the MUGA on a Friday.
St. Luke’s Sports Leaders will be working with Primary 2B on Monday 14th, 21st and the 28th January.
This week we also started working on Fractions and Money.
For Golden time this week, pupils could
- play Science Games about living and non living things on Education City
- make and decorate crowns to mark Epiphany (6th January 2019)
After weeks of preparation, the Hoity Toity Angel took place. Each and every individual was incredible and together they performed a beautiful show. Thank you to all our families for helping practise lines, organising costumes and finally for encouraging your child to be Confident Individuals.
They were amazing!
Week beginning 10th December 2018
We are looking forward to sharing our Hoity Toity Angel Nativity with you on Thursday, in the meantime keep practising those lines and songs at home.
On Wednesday we had our dress Rehearsal in front of the whole school. The pupils were amazing. As you can see in the picture below, we were all feeling great after the show.
This week the homework focus is French. All pupils have been given their Education City logins which they can use to access the website below. We have played these games in class so all pupils should be confident in accessing these although they will not be familiar with logging in, as this is happens automatically through the Chromebooks.
Primary 2 enjoyed their chance to be the audience this week at the Eastwood Theatre. The money we raised selling our Christmas Baubles paid for a snack and drink.
Week Beginning 22nd October 2018
After a superb holiday week, we are back with a busy couple of weeks ahead of us.
Tonight (Monday 22nd) we have taken all of our jotters home to share with our families.
Next week we have the Halloween Parade, so rehearsals will soon begin.
Also we have Parent’s night (Thursday 1st Nov).
We are also continuing to practise the Hail Mary for the month of Mary.
Week beginning 8th October 2018
Over the next 3 weeks the homework will focus on a variety of curricular areas.
Please click the link below for more information.
P2 Homework Activities October
My Family
We have been looking at toys from the past. Last week we looked at toys which we still play with which our grandparents might have also played with. On Monday we designed and made kites. We tested them outside as it was a windy day, perfect for flying a kite!
Hail Mary
Primary 2 have been learning the Hail Mary this month to mark October. October is traditionally the month of the Rosary. Pupils wrote their own personal copy of the Hail Mary and took these home to practise.