Maths Homework

Hi everyone,

I am aware that some people were struggling to access some of the activities on Education City due to them not being tablet friendly. I have now fixed this so that all activities are tablet friendly so everyone should be able to continue completing these activities. All pupils should be completing one of their assigned activities each week, please let me know if anyone is having difficulties with this 🙂


Week beginning 22nd April 2019

Whole School Homework 



Whole school homework for this week, this will be emailed out during the week. Electronic copy available below.

Health-and-Wellbeing-Family-Learning-Activity (1)

Well done to all the pupils who completed the Whole school homework. Mrs Hemphill was over the moon to hear that some pupils showed off their food preparation schools by helping their mum and dads in the kitchen.

Class Homework 

Tuesday to Friday – Literacy and Numeracy homework has been assigned on Education city.

Easter Mass

This Wednesday 10am St. Mark’s and St. John’s Primaries will gather at St. John’s, Barrhead to celebrate an Easter Mass.  All welcome, if you are available to walk with the school please contact the office.

St. Mark’s Mass

This Thursday 11am the whole school will celebrate the Feast of St. Mark.

Child Led Learning

This week pupils had the opportunity to make play dough with partners. Pupils followed instructions to make the play dough independently using measuring skills. This sparked an interesting discussion about sharing equally.

Pupils also explored symmetry and length.

Birthday Celebrations

Happy Birthday to Isla, everyone enjoyed sitting in the sunshine with a little piece of Birthday cake.

Sumdog Competition

Tomorrow is the start of the next East Renfrewshire Sumdog contest. The contest starts on the 8th of March and finishes on the 14th of March.

The winning class will get a full 6 month subscription to Sumdog, which was won by Primary 5 last year. So lets get Primary 2 on that leader board!

P2B were 4th on Friday 8th March.

Term 2 Homework

P2b Homework – January to March

Pupils should complete their homework each night and hand it in the following morning. It should be signed by an adult.

Homework should take around 20 minutes each night. If you have any questions, please get in touch.


  • Spelling – write words out three times then write 2 sentences.
  • Reading – Practise word wall



  • Spelling – write words out three times then write 2 sentences.
  • Reading – Practise word wall



Whole School Homework

In addition to Literacy and Numeracy Homework there will be opportunities throughout the term to take part in the Whole School Homework.  This homework will relate to National, Local and School events such as First Ministers Reading Challenge and Fairtrade Fortnight.


Week Beginning 19th November 2018

Primary 2 have had a busy week. We were given our Sumdog passwords so we could take part in the East Renfrewshire Contest.  Sumdog can be accessed at home as well as school and focuses on numeracy skills.

We have also started learning our lines for the nativity and have been practising these.

Sticking with the maths theme, parents and pupils had the opportunity to attend our Pizza Maths night. This was the first time the event was aimed at P2-P4 pupils and we had an excellent turnout. This was an opportunity to parents to find out about the strategies we use for Numeracy. Thank you to the staff from St. Luke’s for leading this.

On Tuesday we held our first P2 showcase, this was an opportunity for pupils to share their learning with their family.  As this was our first event we took this as an opportunity to focus on the everyday experiences we complete to develop our Numeracy and Literacy.  Thank you so much to all our families who were able to attend.




Week beginning 24th Sept 2018

This week we started our new topic ‘My Family’. This topic will explore the past and present. Pupils will compare their own life’s with the childhood of their grandparents. Over the next few weeks we will be looking at how school, toys, hobbies and other things have changed.

Also this week we have been working on recognising tens and units. This is a really good skill to master as we work with larger numbers.  We used concrete materials to visualise the numbers.

On Wednesday we celebrated European Languages day, Mrs Dziobek spoke to Primary 2b and shared how to say Hello in Polish.

Finally on Friday afternoon we had great fun taking part in our chosen activities. This week’s activities included:

  • using the chromebooks
  • creating a collage
  • making playdough

Another super week in Primary 2b.

Week beginning 17th Sept 2018

This week we have been working on counting in 2’s. We used different materials to make  groups of 2.

Also this week we worked with Mrs Nelson to discuss her work on developing the playground. We walked around the playground and discussed things that we would like. We drew our own designs of the playground including balancing ropes, climbing frames, a climbing wall and even a zip wire! Finally we wrote letters to Mrs Nelson sharing our ideas and opinions. We can’t wait to see how the playground will be developed over the next year.





Maths Week

This week marks the national celebration of Maths. During the week we have been working on recognising our left and right.
We have been using pom poms to help us with our number bonds.
We listened to a story about a caterpillar who gave away his many pairs of shoes.  We counted the number of shoes he gave away to each insect and then wrote a story retelling his kind act.
Finally on Friday we had a really exciting House afternoon. We worked in teams with friends and family from other classes to problem solve. We had to read clues very carefully and explore the school to find the answers.  We loved the opportunity to work with our brothers and sisters and would like to do this more often.

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