French tuck shop

Monday is St Mark’s French Day and pupils are encouraged to dress in the colours of the French flag, blue, white and red.

To celebrate French Day, Primary 2a will be running a French tuck shop selling a range of French snacks costing 50p.  So remember to bring money to school this Monday.



Reading and library books

Can children in Primary 2, please ensure that they have returned all reading and library books to school no later that Monday 24th June. This would help us greatly in preparing for classes next year.

Thank you!

Stop Motion movies

Primary 2 have been creating their own cities and stories. Pupils then used iPads to create their own stop motion films. Here are just a few, some contain sound.


Week beginning 4th February 2019

No Whole School homework 

Atrium: Imagination and Collaboration

There was lots of imaginative ideas from a skyscraper with shops and houses to magic wands and candle shops.

Health and Wellbeing 

Today we continued our health and wellbeing focus of Friendship. The focus was the having more than one friend.  After hearing about Twiggle’s Special Day, we worked with a partner and completed a task which involved working together and sharing.

Foundry Visit

On Tuesday we collected our new library books. Our aim is that these library books will encourage children to read for enjoyment. Every child selected their own book. Pupils were encouraged to choose a book for enjoyment which they could confidently read.

The books will be collected in March to return these to the Foundry.


We are working on stretch and strength in PE. We found press ups tricky but two P6 boys kindly offered to demonstrate.



Read, Write, Count P2 bags

Read, Write, Count Primary 2 bags

In November Primary 2 visited the Foundry, where they received yellow bags with 3 reading books, numeracy games and a note pad.

Please let us know what you thought by filling out the Parent survey:

The prize draw for parents is a personal Read Write Count GOODIE BAG filled with books, games and activities for all the family to enjoy.

The deadline to complete this is Monday 4 March 2019.

Burn’s Day

The lunch hall will be serving a Burn’s Day menu in the 24th January. 













Scottish themed Friday Afternoon

Activities including –

Making our own tartans using a paper weaving technique

Creating a thistle using collage technique

Steven Brown inspired highland cows focusing on colour and line techniques

Scottish Assembly  – 30th January 2019

Following a request by pupils, on Wednesday some pupils will be sharing some Scottish dance, poetry and music at assembly.  If you would like to attend this assembly it will begin at 2pm.

Many pupils in Primary 2B have volunteered to sing a song. They will be singing Katie Bairdie

See the link below should they wish to practise at home

This week, pupils have also written their own versions of Katie Bairdie.



Week Beginning 21st January 2019

Whole School Homework – First Minister’s Reading Challenge

This week the whole school homework focuses on the First Minister’s Reading Challenge. The blue booklets were handed out in Aug/Sept and should be updated regularly. This week they will go home to be updated with any recent books completed.  These books should be returned to school by Friday.

There is also some suggestions of way to engage your child in reading out side of school. 





Read, Write, Count Primary 2 bags

In November Primary 2 visited the Foundry, where they received yellow bags with 3 reading books, numeracy games and a note pad.

Please let us know what you thought by filling out the Parent survey:

The prize draw for parents is a personal Read Write Count GOODIE BAG filled with books, games and activities for all the family to enjoy.

The deadline to complete this is Monday 4 March 2019.


In the atrium this week we provided opportunities to explore natural resources as well as using sand, water and construction materials. Over the next few weeks we hope to rebuild our loose part materials collection. We will be looking for all sorts so look out for a letter for Mrs Carwood.

Physical Education 

As we progress through our gymnastics focus in PE we have been working on rolls.  This week we have been working on different rolls including forward rolls.

Term 2 Homework

P2b Homework – January to March

Pupils should complete their homework each night and hand it in the following morning. It should be signed by an adult.

Homework should take around 20 minutes each night. If you have any questions, please get in touch.


  • Spelling – write words out three times then write 2 sentences.
  • Reading – Practise word wall



  • Spelling – write words out three times then write 2 sentences.
  • Reading – Practise word wall



Whole School Homework

In addition to Literacy and Numeracy Homework there will be opportunities throughout the term to take part in the Whole School Homework.  This homework will relate to National, Local and School events such as First Ministers Reading Challenge and Fairtrade Fortnight.


Week beginning 3rd December

This week will be looking at our First Minister’s Reading challenge.


Homework this week is a talking and listening task to be returned for Friday. Additionally pupils have reading books.

After school opportunities

The Foundry will also be holding a Winter Reading Challenge, if you get involved with this or any other after school activities, let Miss Mckay know so she can update our Achievements page!


We will also start rehearsing on the stage, so please keep practising your lines at home.

Week Beginning 19th November 2018

Primary 2 have had a busy week. We were given our Sumdog passwords so we could take part in the East Renfrewshire Contest.  Sumdog can be accessed at home as well as school and focuses on numeracy skills.

We have also started learning our lines for the nativity and have been practising these.

Sticking with the maths theme, parents and pupils had the opportunity to attend our Pizza Maths night. This was the first time the event was aimed at P2-P4 pupils and we had an excellent turnout. This was an opportunity to parents to find out about the strategies we use for Numeracy. Thank you to the staff from St. Luke’s for leading this.

On Tuesday we held our first P2 showcase, this was an opportunity for pupils to share their learning with their family.  As this was our first event we took this as an opportunity to focus on the everyday experiences we complete to develop our Numeracy and Literacy.  Thank you so much to all our families who were able to attend.




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