P2 Sharing the Learning Assembly

Well done Primary 2, the assembly was superb! Everyone who volunteered to speak did really well especially when using a microphone which is really tricky.

Here is a few photographs. We had a keen P7 photographer, who tried to get a picture of everyone speaking or singing!






Thank you to all the parents who were able to come along this morning.


Week beginning 25th March 2019

Whole School Homework

This week’s Whole school homework is fun reading activities that will encourage us to get reading and fill in our First Minister’s Reading Challenge booklet.

A paper copy of this homework sheet will be coming home in school bags.

Walking Wednesday

As part of our preparation for Easter, all pupils will be offered an opportunity to attend the 8am mass on Wednesday mornings (27th). Pupils can then walk to school with school staff. Miss Mckay will be walking back on the 27th March and would love if P2 could join her.  As this is also the day of the P2 Sharing the Learning assembly it’s the perfect day for families to join us for the mass and walk back.

P2 Sharing the Learning Assembly

Wednesday 27th March 9.10am – 9.30am

Come along to hear about the journey from Bean to Bar.

P7 Showcase

P2 visited the P2 showcase and were very impressed.

Child Led Learning

This week pupils explored symmetry and patterns.


Primary 2 looked at different chocolate bars and made their own eye catching chocolate bars. These have been given in to our local COOP, thanks to Mr Mariner for arranging this.

Every bar needed to include the Fairtrade symbol and the COOP.

Week beginning 18th March 2019

Creative skills in P2

After success at the Dance competition, Primary 2 turned P2B’s classroom into a Dance Studio to show off their Freestyle skills. Some P1 pupils even joined in.

Whole School Homework

This week’s focus is Modern Languages. Primary 2 have been assigned songs and games in French to explore this week on Education city.





















Bean to Bar

This week we started our Bean to Bar lessons. We will be sharing our learning with parents and the rest of the school on 27th March 2019 at our learning assembly.


World Storytelling Day

On Wednesday it was World Story telling day. Primary 2 had visits from P7 and P1, all pupils had written incredible stories.


Week beginning 11th March 2019

Whole School Homework – British Science Week 

This week Science homework tasks have been added to Education City to mark British Science Week. Pupils access the activities using their Education City, then clicking on the homework tab.




















Sumdog Competition 

The East Renfrewshire Sumdog competition finishes on Thursday. There are currently 173 classes entered. Well done to the pupils who have been taking part at home!

Fairtrade Talk

We had a visitor today in Primary 2 to tell us a little more about our topic, Fairtrade.  One of our parents, Mr Mariner, is an employee of Co-op supermarket which sells a large range of Fairtrade products and is involved in many Fairtrade projects.

He told us about the lives of farmers and their families in other countries, and how we can help them by buying the Fairtrade products they produce.

He brought with him a selection of Fairtrade products his supermarket sells such as tea, coffee, sugar, chocolate, bananas and even cotton wool.

As a treat for listening to his presentation so well he gave all the children a cookie with Fairtrade chocolate chips and  a Fairtrade banana each to take home.

British Science Week

Journeys and Transport was the theme for 2019. In a nod to Science week Primary 2 were provided opportunities to think about different transport, from trains, planes to spaceships. Here is what they got up to…


Fairtrade Coffee Morning

Thank you to everyone who came along. The pupils had a great morning after a week of looking forward to it. We hope you enjoyed our song about Pablo the Banana.

A big well done to the children who spoke about Fairtrade,speaking in front of a large group of people can be very intimidating but they all showed they are Confident individuals.


Sumdog Competition

Tomorrow is the start of the next East Renfrewshire Sumdog contest. The contest starts on the 8th of March and finishes on the 14th of March.

The winning class will get a full 6 month subscription to Sumdog, which was won by Primary 5 last year. So lets get Primary 2 on that leader board!

P2B were 4th on Friday 8th March.

Fairtrade Coffee Morning

The final preparations for our Fairtrade Coffee Morning is complete.  We’ve decorated our biscuits, written our presentation and even rehearsed some entertainment.

Hope to see you tomorrow at 10am!

Fairtrade Coffee Morning


On Friday Mr Mckenna and groups of P2a and P2b pupils prepared our biscuit mixture.  Following the recipe below using Fairtrade ingredients where possible.



Miss Mckay baked the biscuits from frozen. They are now ready for P2 to decorate.

Coffee Morning

Our coffee morning is on Friday 8th March at 10am.  Come and along to hear about Fairtrade and enjoy some delicious baking. All donations of baking will be happily received.


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