Well done P7, you were fabulous in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.
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One week to go!
With one week to go before Primary 3 return to school, we would encourage you to take some time to label your children’s clothes, shoes, lunch boxes and school bags.
Happy Holidays
What a fantastic year I have had in Primary 2 with a wonderful group of supportive pupils and parents. Each week every pupil has worked incredibly hard and as I start to tell Miss Jeffrey about their progress, I am so proud of each and every individual.
A big thank you to all the parents for you continued support, feedback and time throughout this year. I look forward to working with you all again next year and with the lovely Miss Jeffrey.
Also a big thank you to the pupils of Primary 2B, you truly are B for Brilliant and everyone in the school knows we are THE best class.
Have an awesome holiday and I will see you all in August.
Gillian Mckay
Week Beginning 24th June 2019
Monday – French Day
French Day was a great success, we had a go at drawing the Eiffel Tower and discovered Baby Shark in French.
Tuesday – Whole School Art Show 3:15-4:15
The art show is an opportunity to see your own child’s work and the progression from P1 – P7. All welcome.
Wednesday – Mass of Thanksgiving 10am
Our final mass of the school year is an opportunity for reflection and celebration, this will also be an opportunity to say good luck to our P7 pupils and staff moving on. All welcome.
Thursday – Awards Assembly and 1pm close
The Awards Assembly will be the final opportunity this year to celebrate achievements of pupils including the term 3 awards for Values, Four Capacities and Wider achievement. As always P7 have prepared their own goodbye.
Week beginning 17th June:Health week
Health Week
During Health week pupils are invited to wear appropriate sports wear.
Monday: Bookbug Bootcamp (parents welcome)
Tuesday: Dance session
Wednesday: Fruit kebab making
Thursday: Sports Day
In addition to these pupils will learning:
◇how to look after their bodies (God’s Loving Plan)
◇considering how to behave in times of change (P2 to P3 transition preparation)
And many more exciting activities.
Due to Health week there will be no homework.
Stop Motion movies
Primary 2 have been creating their own cities and stories. Pupils then used iPads to create their own stop motion films. Here are just a few, some contain sound.
Meet the Teacher
Primary 2B soon to be Primary 3B met their new teacher today, Miss Jeffrey.
Miss Jeffrey and Primary 3B will be in Room 4.
Miss McKay will also be teaching Primary 3B.
Week beginning 10th June 2019
Rouken Glen
We had an awesome day at Rouken Glen. Thank you to all the parent helpers for making the day, we wouldn’t be able to have trips if it wasn’t for the support of parents.
City Talk
Pupils have written their own talks about a city of their choice, they have taken them home to practise before reading them to the class next week.
Meet the Teacher
On Wednesday 12th June, the children will meet their class teacher for Primary 3.
Rouken Glen – 10th June
On the 10th of June we are going to Rouken Glen.
Here are a few things you should know
- Bring lunch in a bag with your name on it, this can be a plastic bag or a rucksack – as children will be carrying their own lunches until lunch time.
- Bring water.
- Wear waterproof shoes.
- Wear suitable outdoor clothing, bring a jacket even if it seems like a warm day as we will be outside all day.
- Wear clothes that can get muddy.