Primary 6b we’re lucky enough to welcome one of our parents into the class to discuss her job as an accountant. She spoke about her job and gave examples of accounting in everyday life. Thanks you😊😊
STEAM Challenge 🍝
P6 had the task of creating the tallest, sturdiest tower, only using spaghetti and marshmallows. The class worked in groups and completed a plan, adapting the plan on the way when needed 👷
John Byrne Portraits 🧑🎨✏️
In Art with Mrs McIntyre, the class have been learning about John Byrne. They created their own portraits in the style of Byrne, and will continue this in the upcoming weeks 🖍
Modern MacKintosh 🧑🎨
Today we were learning about Charles Rennie MacKintosh, and creating work inspired by him. The class added a modern twist to their art by using bright colours, but still keeping hints of his traditional style. The outcomes were incredible! 🎨😀
Maths Week Scotland
Today we started to celebrate Maths Week Scotland with some tricky problems and discussions around the ways we use maths in our daily lives.
STEM- Planet Earth
This week we have started a research project about the Solar System. Pupils have been grouped into planets to conduct research. In the coming weeks they will be presenting their findings to the class.
Star Writers🌟✏️
Congratulations to the star writers of P6b! Keep up the fantastic work 📚
Managing our emotions
We tried out different activities to regulate our emotions. Many made us feel calm and relaxed. We will try to use these at home too!
Maths relay!
We raced against our peers to complete tricky maths word problems today! We had to work as a team to figure out the answers and show all working. A fun but challenging task!
Team of the week!🏀
Congratulations to the basketball team of the week! The team have been awarded this title because they showed excellent team work – passing, communicating, and coordinating their movements on the court. Well done!🏅