We showed perseverance and excellent communication skills when completing the cup challenge this afternoon!
Hundreds, tens and units
Today, we recalled our knowledge of rounding and estimating. Using visual aids can always be a useful tool to help us with rounding.
The Life of Moses
In R.E. today, Primary 6b explored the Life of Moses. We used note taking skills to help us sequence different events in Moses’s life 🌟
Loose Parts Play
Today, Primary 6b experienced outdoor learning through loose parts play. The class used imagination, collaboration and perseverance as they navigated the loose parts to create obstacle courses, shops, and dens! The class had a great time 😌
Maths revision made fun!
Today, Primary 6b enjoyed revising their maths skills by completing various different mathematical tasks. We worked in teams, pairs, and independently using classroom resources such as KAPLA, Dominoes and ‘The Wee Numeracy Box’. Great work P6b 😀👍