Week ending 22.11.19

We’ve had a busy week in P3b!

We have been enjoying lots of reading opportunities to celebrate book week. We enjoyed reading The Gruffalo In Scots and then watching the author talk about the book during a live author stream. We also loved getting our read write count bags today and reading one of the books from that together.

Last week we loved making some Roman shields and today we had an amazing time trying out some Roman army shield configurations and then playing with our own techniques.


Maths Homework

Hi everyone,

I am aware that some people were struggling to access some of the activities on Education City due to them not being tablet friendly. I have now fixed this so that all activities are tablet friendly so everyone should be able to continue completing these activities. All pupils should be completing one of their assigned activities each week, please let me know if anyone is having difficulties with this 🙂


Outdoor Learning

We braved the cold today to head outside and consolidate our learning about living and non-living things. The pupils learned about the distinguishing features of something that is a living thing and then went outside, found different items and placed them into the two categories. We also discussed other ways to categorise the items depending on their similarities and differences.


Week ending 8/11

Firstly, I would like to say that it was great to meet you all at Parent’s Evening and I hope you were all pleased with how everyone is doing.

The pupils have were working hard this week in all their lessons but especially In researching and presenting information about different Roman Emperors, and creating amazing shape poems all about Guy Fawkes Night.

Next week we are having a P3 mass in the hall on Tuesday at 2pm. All their pupils made an invitation f or you today and this should be in their folders or bags. Some of the pupils are doing readings and bidding prayers, and all pupils will be showing off their singing voices with the lovely hymns that have been chosen for the mass. We hope as a many of you as possible can come along to celebrate this special mass with us.

Have a lovely weekend!

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