Breathe deep!

As part of our science focus on the human body we made our own sets of lungs today! These models include the trachea splitting off into the bronchi and then filling up the lungs. If you hold the bottom of the lungs you can also use your hands as the diaphragm in order to contract and exhale the air from the lungs.



Week ending 20.9.19

We have had a busy week in Primary 3!

In literacy we have been learning about visualisation – picturing in our heads what we are reading. We have been doing this through drawing and today we had fun acting out a passage in order to help us to think about what might happen next in the story. The pupils loved getting to move around the room and picture the story that way! This visualisation helped us to think of more descriptive words that we could use when continuing the spooky story:

In maths we have been working hard as usual as well as practicing what we have learned once we are finished our tasks. One pupil wanted to show off all of the times tables he wrote down:

We have also been talking about climate change today due to the global protests that are happening, and we talked about ways that we could help. The pupils suggested that they could encourage adults at the shop to buy loose fruit in order to cut down on packaging, re-use plastic bottles, walk more when possible, and many other great suggestions!


Have a a lovely weekend everyone! 🙂

Education City Homework

I am aware that there have been some issues with accessing Education city at home. All children now have their log-ins glued into their homework jotters so it should be easier to go to and get logged in using those details.

I have assigned a number of tasks to each pupil but I only want them to complete one task a week. The tasks are set up so that the pupils need to complete the task with a certain percentage of accuracy before being able to move on to the next one, so if they don’t quite make it one night they can try again the next night. If your child is struggling with an activity please let them know that I just want them to try their best and I will be changing the first activity every week so it is okay as long as they have tried.

We’ve been doing really well with the written spelling homework of practicing each word and then writing three sentences so I’m looking forward to the pupils doing just as well with their maths tasks.

If there are any continuing issues please let me know!

EveryBODY is loving science in P3!

We have been enjoying learning about our bodies in science. We have learned about our skeletons and loved making a life-size diagram! The pupils also enjoyed being creative and creating their own skeleton pictures at golden time on Friday!


P3 Term One Homework

This term we will follow last terms outline for homework. There will be 3 tasks per week in addition to any Whole School Homework. This will be outlined on the P3 class blog.


Task 1 – Reading – Practise word wall (learning common words or practising spelling if you feel your child is confident in reading these) and complete 10 minutes of reading.

Task 2 – Spelling – Practice all 6 of your spelling words throughout the week using any of the strategies that your child knows e.g. spelling pyramid, rainbow writing, curly/bubble writing, cover write check etc. Pupils should also pick three words and write sentences including these words. These tasks can be carried out any night of the week ready to be handed in on Friday, or earlier if complete.

Task 3 – Numeracy – complete tasks assigned on Education City.


Pupils will write their words and task reminders in their homework jotters each week and these are to be signed off by an adult once completed.

Should you have any difficulty accessing Education City or need clarity for any of the tasks feel free to get in touch.

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