Week beginning 29th April 2019

Primary 2 homework 

This week pupils will be issued a new homework overview for April – June, look out for this in the homework folders.

Numeracy homework will be mental maths flashcards, which pupils can practise at home. Each week pupils will swap flashcards so they can practise a different numeracy skill. Therefore it is super important that pupils look after these and bring them back each Friday.

Education City and Sumdog will still be accessible using the passwords in the homework jotters.

Whole School Homework 

No whole school homework this week.

P7 Confirmation 

On Wednesday evening, P7 make their Sacrament of Confirmation. Please keep these pupils in your prayers during this time.

Poland National Heritage Day

We took part in a Kahool quiz to test our knowledge on Poland. We worked in teams to answer the questions created by the  Modern Foreign Language Committee.

Child Led Learning 

It’s amazing what we can imagine with one piece of paper.


Pupils accessed Junior Britannica Encyclopedia on the chromebooks (available through the Foundry – with a valid library card).  Pupils started off looking at Scotland and then chose their own area to explore. We had lots of different interests including California, Foxes, Black Holes and Planes.


Week beginning 22nd April 2019

Whole School Homework 



Whole school homework for this week, this will be emailed out during the week. Electronic copy available below.

Health-and-Wellbeing-Family-Learning-Activity (1)

Well done to all the pupils who completed the Whole school homework. Mrs Hemphill was over the moon to hear that some pupils showed off their food preparation schools by helping their mum and dads in the kitchen.

Class Homework 

Tuesday to Friday – Literacy and Numeracy homework has been assigned on Education city.

Easter Mass

This Wednesday 10am St. Mark’s and St. John’s Primaries will gather at St. John’s, Barrhead to celebrate an Easter Mass.  All welcome, if you are available to walk with the school please contact the office.

St. Mark’s Mass

This Thursday 11am the whole school will celebrate the Feast of St. Mark.

Child Led Learning

This week pupils had the opportunity to make play dough with partners. Pupils followed instructions to make the play dough independently using measuring skills. This sparked an interesting discussion about sharing equally.

Pupils also explored symmetry and length.

Birthday Celebrations

Happy Birthday to Isla, everyone enjoyed sitting in the sunshine with a little piece of Birthday cake.

Week beginning 15th April 2019

Welcome Back to Term 3


Homework was handed out today. After discussing topics pupils would like to explore, Primary 2b choose to the topics of Cities. The next step is to gather children’s ideas and questions for this topic.

See the source image

Holy Week 

As we prepare to celebrate Easter, pupils will be hearing bible stories each day which you may wish to discuss at home.

Palm Sunday

The Last Supper

The Crucifixion

Jesus has Risen

Fairtrade Competition 

Mr Mariner and his colleagues at the Coop thought that all the children of Primary 2 did so well in the Fairtrade chocolate wrapper competition that they gave all the children a runner up prize of a chocolate egg.  Thank you very much Mr Mariner!

Primary 2B – Term 3



Ethos and Life of the School

Holy Week 15th –22nd April

Easter Mass 24th April

Feast of St. Mark 25th April

P2 Foundry 14th May

Ascension Mass 30th May 

Parents Evening 30th May

 P2 First Friday Mass 7th June

School Trip 10th June

Sports Day 20th June

End of Session Mass 26th June

To keep up to date with school events please check the website, twitter and see your emails.


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